10 July 2013Spain
  • The multinational has led the Basylis European R&D&i project aimed at designing this solution that combines the use of multiple sensors
  • It is the only autonomous system, with a quick and easy roll-out, that can be disassembled and packed for use at a different location
  • It has been conceived to protect camps that house up to 10,000 people as well as vulnerable facilities located in remote areas


Indra has completed the development of the first transportable perimeter security system conceived for a quick roll-out and that addresses the security requirements of refugee centres and other critical infrastructures located in remote areas.

The complex internal organisation of camps and the extensive length of certain critical infrastructures (such as oil pipelines or power lines) represent a challenge in terms of ensuring security. For this reason, Indra has developed a system that can be rolled-out in just a few hours and then disassembled and packed for use at a new location. It is also electrically autonomous so it can be used in locations without power supplies.

The solution's development forms part of the BASYLIS European R&D&i project promoted by the European Commission as part of the Seventh Framework Programme and that Indra has led. The project had a €3 million budget and a two-year execution period.

The solution includes a portable control centre that monitors the information collected by a series of sensors rolled-out in the area to be protected. The system is equipped with radars, laser radar (Ladar), acoustic sensors and unmanned land sensors. Using geolocalised bracelets, it is possible to track staff in order to guarantee their security.

An example of the detection capabilities it offers, the radar can identify vehicles approaching the facility at a distance of up to six kilometres, while the sensors installed underground detect a person walking 25 metres away. Any incident can be tracked using the camera system. Behaviour detection software processes the information that has been collected and identifies situations or risk such as human avalanches, panic situations or disturbances that could endanger a refugee camp housing up to 10,000 individuals.

Unlike other perimeter security solutions available on the market, this system can be easily calibrated and configured upon determining the coverage area, the number and location of camp entrances, and the situations of risk to be identified.

Basylis has successfully passed the various field tests it has undergone this past year, demonstrating its optimal operation in real locations and that it is ready to be put into service. It has also been validated by the Spanish National Centre for the Protection of Critical Infrastructures (CNPIC in Spanish). Its design has relied on the support of end users, ranging from NGOs to power companies.

Experience and innovation

Indra systems currently protect airports, ports, railways, power and telecommunication companies, financial entities, buildings, corporate headquarters, and large industrial facilities in various countries.

Some of the projects it is working on include the PELGRIN (Protection of Electrical GRID Infrastructures) European R&D project led by Indra that has the objective of developing a system for protecting power distribution grids (electrical wires, oil pipelines, etc.) in open fields.

Indra is also a pioneer in the development and implementation of management systems for emergencies and major events. In 2007, the company launched the CISEM, which is the centre that coordinates the operations of security, civil protection, fire protection and healthcare entities in the city of Madrid. It has also implemented a system of this type to manage security in the city of Buenos Aires (Argentina). In Spain, it has equipped the Military Emergency Unit with a system called SIMGE to lead its interventions, domestically as well as abroad, and to coordinate with civil authorities.

Recently, the European Commission has opened a new Emergency Response Centre (ERC) implemented by Indra that coordinates the EU's joint response in light of natural disasters, terrorist acts, and technological, radiological or environmental accidents that may occur anywhere in the world.

Indra has also implemented control centres to manage the security of events such as the Zaragoza Expo, the Barcelona Culture Forum, the America's Cup in Valencia, the Seville Expo and the Barcelona Olympics.


Indra is the leading Spanish multinational consulting and technology firm and one of the main players in Europe and Latin America. Innovation is the cornerstone of its business and sustainability, having allocated more than €550 million to R&D&i in the last three years, making it one of the leading companies in Europe in its sector in terms of investment. With sales approaching €3.000 million, nearly 60% of its income is from the international market. The company employs 42,000 professionals and has customers in 128 countries.
