23 April 2014Spain
  • The multinational company will use 23,000 tablets to cover the transmission of data from polling places during the counting of votes and broadcasting of results of the upcoming 25-M elections
  • For the first time during national elections in Spain, a mobile phone app will be available to citizens for following the election results
  • 1,900 Electronically Managed Polling Stations (EMPS) will be installed to automate the tasks of the members of polling stations  


Indra will face the most ambitious and innovative technological deployment ever before undertaken during the upcoming European Parliament Elections on May 25 in relation to vote counting and broadcasting of the European election results. The multinational technology and consulting company will offer its data transmission technologies installed on mobile terminals and EMPS (Electronically Managed Polling Stations) to the Home Office to jointly increase the speed, reliability and transparency of the vote counting process and facilitate the work of all persons collaborating in this process.  In addition, for the first time in national elections in Spain, an app will be deployed to facilitate the broadcasting of election results on mobile devices.  

Approximately 34 million voters will be called to vote in the European Parliament Elections on May 25. This will require a huge effort in terms of organization, logistics and deployment of information technologies for channeling the electoral information of over 50,000 polling stations and 23,000 polling places throughout Spain.

During the elections, Indra will use 23,000 mobile tablet terminals for providing coverage to almost 100% of voters during the transmission of voting data from polling places to the data processing center. The application installed in these terminals performs validation and coherence checks, eliminating intermediate tasks, such as the recording and transmission of data at the Vote Processing Centre (VPC), speeding up the recording of information in the system. In addition, it reduces the number of errors detected in the data transmission chain and can validate the votes gathered at polling stations.

The proposal will allow municipalities with over 135 voters -more than 5,700- to use at least one mobile terminal. This is an integral solution that includes the training of staff and all mobile terminal logistics and transport procedures.

Automation of polling stations and mobile phone apps to provide election result information

The technological deployment also includes the installation of Indra's Electronically Managed Polling Station (EMPS) in over 1,900 locations. This service will automate the tasks carried out by the members of polling stations during the election day. It includes the identification of voters and printing of documents generated by the polling station, as well as the generation of reports and transmission of information related to constitution, participation and results. This technology has already been used with great success in the 2008 and 2011 General Elections, 2009 European Parliament Elections and 2011 Municipal and Autonomous Community Elections. In addition, this technology has been used in other international election processes, such as the 2014 Presidential Elections and 2012 Legislative and Municipal Elections of El Salvador.

For the first time in national elections in Spain, a specific application will be offered to follow the election results on Android and iOS devices, as one of the wide range of solutions offered to citizens. The app can be downloaded from official market places (Google Play and Apple Store) and will offer a user-friendly graphical interface that provides quick access to the information of specific geographical areas, showing the aggregate results of each municipality.

Leader in providing solutions to election processes throughout the world 

Indra has participated in over 350 election processes throughout the world, offering its solutions to over 3,500 million voters. Its experience of over 40 years shows proof of its organizational and technical capacity to combine and successfully complete many different projects at the same time, adapting them to the regulations of each country. It is currently implementing projects in four continents with over 100 million voters.

Its offering includes solutions and services that cover the whole election process cycle: registration and identification of voters, voting, provisional and final recount, total vote recount, broadcasting of results and supply of election materials. In addition, it offers election process consulting services thanks to its vast international experience, providing advice and technical support during different phases of the process.   

Indra is a pioneer in the use of new technologies with its Electronic Vote, e-Counting, Internet Vote and Accessible Vote solutions, in addition to its citizen participation solutions and services, such as the iPARTICIPA (i-PARTICIPATE) platform, and technological solutions applied to election process management, such as the use of mobile solutions or the implementation of computer tools in polling stations that facilitate and simplify their tasks (Electronically Managed Polling Station, EMPS).

Likewise, it is the only company in the world currently certified by the United Nations for the supply of election materials and by the European Union to provide support in Election Process Observation Missions (EPOMs).

During the past few years, Indra has participated in the development of election process in different countries, such as the United Kingdom, Norway, France, Slovenia, Portugal, Italy, the United States, Argentina, Colombia, Angola and El Salvador, among others, offering all sorts of election process services and solutions. 

Indra is the leading multinational technology and consulting company in Spain and one of the leading companies in Europe and Latin America. Innovation is the pillar of its business and sustainability, having dedicated over 570 M€ to R&D&i during the past three years, making it one of the leading European companies in its sector in terms of investment. With sales of approximately €3,000M, 61% of its revenue comes from the international market. The company employs 42,000 professionals and has clients in 138 countries.




