Project Description
The objective of EULER is to improve the interoperability of civil security forces in crisis situations using the benefits provided by Radio Software (SDR).
Collaborating Companies or Organisations
Indra's Role
- Leader of the WP6 (EULER scenario integration).
- Design, implementation, tests and integration of the WiMAX Security Sublayer in SDR platforms.
Involved in all the project´s work packages, at least with a minimal participation in any technical task.
Universities and Technological Centres
Technologies used
- Software Defined Radio standards (SCA)
- WiMAX implementation.
- Integration of COTS products in the entire scenario (TETRA and WiMAX COTS).
SATCOM Integration.
More information
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no FP7-218133