Project Description
The Perseus Project’s purpose (Protection of European BoRders and Seas trough the IntElligent Use of surveillance), leaded by Indra, is the protection of the European seas and its frontiers with the intelligent use of technology. This pilot project, with a budget of 43,7 M€ and a duration of 4 years is one of the first and most important initiatives financed within the 7th Framework Programme, and it is going to become the flagship project in the field of maritime security.
Perseus answers the demand of a European integrated system for the sea frontiers’ control. The project has the goal of developing and testing a European system for maritime surveillance through the integration of the existent European and local systems and its update and improvement using technological innovations. With two big-scale tests, Perseus will be able to show the viability of a European system and will set the standard and the bases for its final development. Indra will be in charge of coordinating the consortium, formed by 29 partners from 12 different EU countries, most of them having maritime frontiers.
Collaborating Companies or Organisations
Indra's Role
Project coordinator. Execution of the Occidental Demonstration Campaign. Provision of sensors for maritime surveillance and its integration. Participation in the definition and execution of the Occidental Campaign, and provision of the mobile units (MSS), platforms for the implementation of new sensors and communications in the Occidental and Oriental Campaign.
Universities and Technological Centres
Technologies used
Perseus will incorporate technological innovations in the areas of detection and analysis applied to maritime security. Among them, it stands out that it will be the first European-scale maritime surveillance system able to detect small ships and low-high flights.
The system will be able to integrate multiple sensors and information sources and it will adapt constantly to the latest technologies in the areas of detection, recognition and identification.
It will integrate solutions that already exist at national scale – SIVE, SPATIONAV and others – as well as in European initiatives such as Frontex Agency, Eurosur or DG Mare. It will also take advantage of the technologies and capacities that are now being created in other European projects, even from other fields like Space.
More information
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no FP7-261748
Watch the PERSEUS TV report on the Spanish TV – La 2 ‘Fábrica de ideas’ (October, 2014)
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