Date: 6-9 of June, 2011


Lyon, France

Date -Hour

Monday, 6 June, 2011

Indra Participation


The main focus of the Congress will be "Intelligent mobility - ITS for sustainable transport of persons and goods in urban regions", paying particular attention to the following topics:

  • Co-modal urban transport management
  • Electromobility
  • From cooperative systems to integrated mobility services
  • From smart concepts to successful implementation
  • Governance and business issues
  • Information and communication: providers and users
  • ITS for adaptive and resilient cities

Indra will participate within this relevant event, as SOFIA (Smart Objects For Intelligent Applications) project partner, leading pilots, promotional activities and exploitation of results. Nokia, Centro Ricerche FIAT and the University of Bologna will also represent the SOFIA project within this congress edition.
SOFIA is an ARTEMIS project involving eighteen partners from different EU countries. This research project seeks to make physical world “information” available for smart services, connecting physical world with information world. The common target is to enable and maintain cross-industry interoperability, to foster innovation while maintaining value of existing legacy.
Project url´s: 

Developers Community url: