


Madrid. At the headquarters of the Department for Telecommunications and the information Society

Date -Hour

Tuesday, 25 November, 2014 - 12:45


Indra Participation


At this crucial turning point, just a few months ahead of the January 15, 2015 watershed that will make it compulsory to issue electronic bills for public administrations and in certain sectors that are particularly important for the country's economy, AMETIC (Association of Electronic, Information and Communication Technologies and Digital Content Companies) is organizing its Electronic Billing Conference to examine the reality of the change to be introduced.

Law 25/2013 has defined a roadmap to boost management of the billing process and improve the productivity and efficiency of the country's companies. Providers that address the change merely for compliance purposes are likely to miss out on the benefits that other companies are already obtaining.

The AMETIC Electronic Billing Conference offers an opportunity to find out about the status of electronic billing in the country as whole and to learn how to turn the change to your own advantage and make your company more competitive. The one-day event will include presentations by keynote speakers, round tables and discussions about electronic billing, all highly topical items at this moment in time.