The World ATM Congress is an annual event organized by CANSO in association with ATCA, combining major exhibitions, world-class conferences and an excellent network of opportunities for learning about new developments and trends in air traffic management.

Indra participates as one of the most important companies of the ATM sector, presenting our broad product portfolio, new developments and extensive international experience in developing any type of project, anywhere in the world.

Organizer: CANSO in association with Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA)

Date: March10-12

Venue: IFEMA Exhibition Centre Hall 9, Feria de Madrid, 28042 Madrid, Spain Our stand is number 553


  • Tuesday, March 10 10:00am to 7:30pm
  • Wednesday, March 11 10:00am to 6:00pm
  • Thursday, March 12 10:00am to 2:00pm

Audience: The World ATM Congress brings together the entire Air Traffic Management (ATM) community, including:

  1. Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs)
  2. Industry manufacturers and suppliers
  3. Aircraft manufacturers
  4. Airlines
  5. Airports
  6. Other industry-related parties.

Indra´s Participation: 

At the World ATM Congress 2015 we will present the new air traffic and airport management systems and solutions, including the new GBAS-based precision instrument approach systems, the continuous wave surface movement radar (SMR) and the new InNOVA system for air and surface monitoring at airports, among others.

We also highlight new developments for the iTEC program: an agreement among the suppliers of air navigation services in Spain (ENAIRE), UK (NATS), Germany (DFS) and the Netherlands (LVNL) with Indra as a technology partner for the development of new air traffic management systems.

Date -Hour

Tuesday, 10 March, 2015 - 17:25


World ATM Congress