The 2013 edition of the  Smart City Expo World Congress will be held to face the challenge of developing the tools and scenarios required to create a "smarter" world. The purpose of the event is to face the challenges that cities will encounter during the XXI Century: climatic change and other environmental threats, the high consumption of non-renewable resources, economic development, population growth and the ageing of infrastructures. Being aware of this, the Congress will address the technological and innovating solutions that can achieve such improvements and changes, with the purpose of creating cities that are more accessible, manageable, communicative and that focus on the citizen. Smart City Expo World Congress is a unique event that shall address the conception and delivery of future solutions in the benefit of citizens.


Barcelona Trade Fair


Recinto de Gran Via, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain

Date -Hour

Tuesday, 19 November, 2013 - 09:30


Indra Participation