The SOCOTE congress ((Support Knowledge with Technology) is sponsored by five Spanish universities: The technical universities of Madrid, Catalonia and Valencia and the universities of Cantabria and Murcia. During the last years, the Polytechnic University of Valencia through the ITIO research group (Integración de las Tecnologías de la Información en las Organizaciones) has undertaken the organization of this event and expansion in the Latin American sector with the third SOCOTE Ibero-American Congress also to be held this year.

Papers and conferences will deal with the following topics:

1. Knowledge management, reengineering, BPM, innovation, Competitiveness and sustainability based on ICT.
2. B-learning, e-learning 2.0 and social networks.
3. Dynamic Advertisement. New Marketing, M-Commerce and CRM
4. Information systems consultancy.
5. Integrated project management systems based on ICT, analysis and management of risks and complexity.

SOCOTE seeks to provide the opportunity to bring closeness between the reality of the entrepreneurial sector and the university environment. The event will take place on November 11th and 12th.


Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV)


UPV, Valencia, Spain

Date -Hour

Friday, 11 November, 2011
