Madrid's Circo Price Theatre will play host on 6 and 7 November to the third edition of the Congress of Brilliant Minds, in which 21 opinion leaders will each have 21 minutes – the period of time in which it is estimated that the human brain can pay full attention – to present their thoughts. The participants will cover subjects in scopes such as Biology, Anthropology, Genetics, Philosophy, Gerontology, Religion, Physics, Economics and New Technologies, the sector in which Indra's solutions and services are leading the way.

The technology company's representative at this event will be Manuel Ausaverri, the director of Smart Cities, who will speak on the integrated conception that Indra is defending in relation to the cities of the future.


El Ser Creativo


Madrid's Circo Price Theatre, Spain

Date -Hour

Tuesday, 6 November, 2012 - 10:00


Indra Participation