ArrangeTEDS4BEE EU Project 



Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja. Serrano Galvache 4, Madrid

Date -Hour

Thursday, 9 July, 2015 - 18:00



In the conference you will have the opportunity to know the results and lessons learned during the project.

The TEDS4BEE project consortium, led by Ferrovial Servicios and funded by the European Commission, has deployed EMMOS management software in 16 public buildings in five countries. Despite the zero investment in the renovation of facilities, during the lifetime of the project it has managed to save an average of 30% in the pilot buildings. This research clearly shows that there is great potential for the public administration to reduce costs and greenhouse emissions. 

Indra participates as partner of the TEDS4BEE project consortium.  Indra brings its expertise as an ICT service provider leading the WP3 (Adaptation of the Digital Service: EMMOS). Within this WP3, Indra will carry out hardware and software modifications to deploy HORUS in a building within the Iberian Cluster.  HORUS is a supervisory control and data acquisition system (SCADA) that has been deployed previously in several public infrastructures (Buildings, Tunnel, Prisons, etc) in Europe and South America.