Project Description
The main objective of P-ictus project is to create a knowledge base for stroke prevention, which would allow us to improve the current pathways, diagnoses and treatment of this disease.
Based on this generated knowledge, P-Ictus Project will develop a set of tools to support decision making processes at healthcare and policy domains.
Collaborating Companies or Organisations
Indra's Role
Indra leads this consortium in order to achieve the challenges included into the scope of P-Ictus project. Additionally, Indra will lead the development of the technical architecture supporting health data analysis.
Universities and Technological Centers
Technologies used
The main innovation of the project resides on the application of Big Data technologies for processing and exploiting health data.
More Information
This Project, under reference nº EXP 00090390 / ITC-20161211, has been co-funded by the Spanish Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI), within the FEDER_INNTERCONECTA 2016-2018 Programme.
ONU Sustainable Development Goals: