On 24 May, Indra participated in the seminar on data analytics in the context of the generation business organized by EdP Producción and attended by nearly one hundred company employees and collaborators, including Clara Maia and Miguel Mateos, members of the EDPP board of directors. EDPP Chairman Rui Teixeira closed out the seminar, underlining the company's commitment to incorporating new technologies to improve power plant operation and maintenance.

The seminar spotlighted several EDPP projects and practical cases related to the application of analytics for generating energy. Gas Natural's Jesús San Emeterio, for instance, shared the experience of CESOM, GNF's monitoring station.

Indra was in attendance through Joao Januario, Energy Markets Manager in Portugal and Ana Gálvez, Asset Management Director, who participated in the round table moderated by Miguel Mateos.

Indra is working with EDPP to analyze and define an Iberian monitoring station for thermal and hydroelectric power plants in Portugal and Spain.




Oporto -Portugal

Date -Hour

Wednesday, 24 May, 2017