Project Description
The project is part of SHIFT²RAIL Innovation Programme IP4 -“IT for an Attractive Railway”, and contributes to its objectives together with IT2RAIL, the lighthouse project started in May 2015, and its predecessors CO-ACTIVE and ATTRACkTIVE active since September 2016.
The overall objective of IP4, to which CONNECTIVE will contribute, is to provide new concepts, tools, and systems to improve the attractiveness of rail transport by offering more intuitive and engaging travel experiences to customers while shielding them from the complexity and heterogeneity of services for door-to-door intermodal journeys
In particular, CONNECTIVE seeks to:
- Create an interoperability framework that favors integration from different sources and operators, limiting at the same time the impact on already existing systems and promoting the incorporation of new ones.
- Elaborate a “Web of Transportation” that allows the exchange and consumption of information among systems, services and transport providers in an interoperable way.
- Define and to implement ontologies, mechanisms to access information, tools and development environments with the aim of achieving the interrelation among systems.
- Creation of added value services for travellers and operators, taking advantage of the information available in the ecosystem. Use of Business Analytics and big data.
- Develop anonymization techniques to guarantee privacy and confidentiality of data, as well as compliance with the European regulation for data privacy.
- Provide interactive and dynamic visualization capabilities, including new techniques such as Virtual Reality, in order to present business information in the optimal way to the final users of Business Analytics.
Collaborating Companies or Organisations
Indra's Role
Apart from being the project coordinator, INDRA brings to the project its know-how and experience in offering technological solutions in transportation networks. The company leads the works related to the design, development and tests of the IP4 Interoperability Framework main components. INDRA will also collaborate actively in Business Analytics tasks, aiming to provide algorithms to improve the understanding of aspects such as passengers flow or maintenance of ticketing equipment.
Technologies used
- Ontologies and semantic web
- Big data
- Bussines Analytics
- Architectures and paradigms of reference as cloud, devOps, IoT oriented design, microservice approach
More information
This project, under reference nº H2020-777522, has been funded through the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Commission within the Shift2Rail initiative, of which Indra is an associate member.
ONU Sustainable Development Goals: