Project Description
The proposal is the creation of a new concept of Victrix shooting simulators in order to give a distinctive and differential value compared to the existing solutions of the competition focused on:
The availability of shared web services among all users.
Advanced tactical training benefits supported by an indoor location system.
Implementation of object tracking techniques with millimeter resolution.
Industrial Partners
Indra's Role
Project leader.
Technologies used
The proposed new platform involves the use of the following technologies:
Collaborative exploitation software. It will involve web technologies for infrastructure, data analysis technology for exploitation as well as 3D rendering technology.
Ultra-wide band technology (UWB) for indoor positioning with centimeter accuracy.
Technology based on optical and inertial sensors for the location and tracking of objects with low latency and millimeter precision.
More information
This project, under reference nº 10/16/LE/0030, has been financed by the Agency for Innovation, finance and business internationalization of Castilla y León within the R&D Strategic Plans line.
ONU Sustainable Development Goals: