Project Description
The project is part of SHIFT²RAIL Innovation Programme IP4 -“IT for an Attractive Railway”, and contributes to its long term objective of making rail a more attractive form of travel by improving integrated IT solutions for multimodal door-to-door travelling.
MaaSive continues and complements the work accomplished within previous projects, such as ATTRACkTIVE and Co-Active, in the areas of travel shopping, trip tracking, booking and ticketing, and the development of a travel companion. The project not only will enhance and provide extra functionalities to the existing IP4 ecosystem, but also makes emphasis in the compatibility of this ecosystem with the Mobility as a Service (MaaS) approach.
In particular, MaaSive seeks to:
- Improve the IP4 framework by integrating new functionalities and modes (private vehicles, shared modes, DRT), assuring compatibility with existing legacy systems of different Transport Service Providers.
- Enrich the Customer Experience by innovating on the traveller´s interface, experiences and services. Improve and automate as much as possible passengers rights transactions that need to take place in situations such as delays or cancellations.
- Propose new technologies for ticketing validation, fostering interoperability among different providers and reduction of interactions among travelers and validation equipment.
- Integrate a compatible approach to include MaaS in the IP4 ecosystem, assuring that the orchestration, the functionalities and the business rules developed in previous projects are compatible with the MaaS paradigm.
Collaborating Companies or Organisations
Indra's Role
Indra brings to the project its know-how and experience in offering technological solutions in transportation networks. The company is highly involved in different activities, such as orchestration of booking and ticketing processes that take place in multimodal environment, and integration of technologies that could foster interoperability and the reduction of interaction between the traveller and the infrastructure.
Technologies used
- Information services por travellers
- Incidences and events manager
- Journey Planning, Sales and booking systems
- Central Clearing house
- Mobile validation, EMV, biometric validation
- blockchain
More information
This project, under reference nº H2020-826385, has been funded through the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Commission within the Shift2Rail initiative, of which Indra is an associate member.
ONU Sustainable Development Goals: