18 March 2019Spain
  • Indra uses video games to train the company's young professionals in areas such as teamwork and communication in what are known as VUCA environments, where volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity are all too common
  • E-Sports also help to "hook" these young professionals, who show a very high degree of satisfaction with this training, which is part of Smart Start, the Indra program for young talent
  • Training and young talent are two of the pillars on which Indra is building a new culture with the goal of becoming the most attractive company for digital talent
Indra is committed to e-Sports to prepare young talent for the challenges of the new digital working environment

In the commitment to offer professionals the best training to suit their needs, Indra, one of the leading global technology and consulting companies, has decided to use e-Sports as a tool to prepare young talent joining the company for the new digital working environment, in which volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity are common.

The use of video games for training helps young people acquire skills such as teamwork, communication, leadership, problem-solving and rapid decision-making, flexibility and continuous learning, which are essential in what are known as VUCA environments (volatility uncertainty complexity, ambiguity), which are characteristic of the digital age.

The use of an innovative, gamified and immersive methodology can "train" these digital competences and, at the same time, show what professionals are like, what attitudes and behaviors they can show spontaneously.

These sessions are organized in groups of 30 professionals, new hires or with up to two years of experience in the company. After a brief explanation of what the day consists of, the young professionals prepare and do some tests individually to later engage in team competition in the video game Overwatch. The session ends with a presentation of prizes and a team reflection on how what they experienced and learned can be transferred to the workplace.

In addition to promoting the acquisition of skills and their application to the work environment, e-Sports help to "hook" young professionals, who show a very high degree of satisfaction with this training and display strong motivation. Proof of this is the success of the Indra team in the first league of e-Sports for companies, held at the end of 2018, in which a pair of professionals of the company were honored as the winners.

Commitment to the Development of Young Talent

Indra includes training with e-Sports, in collaboration with the consultancy specializing in training through eSports, Psicosoft eSport, as part of the young talent program Smart Start, which hired over 2,000 young professionals in the last year in Spain and hired 1,000 more in their international subsidiaries.

It is precisely young talent that Indra is counting on to accelerate the cultural change in which the company is immersed and to promote the digital transformation and the development of new innovative solutions and services. For this reason, these young talents are given specific training, development, evaluation and professional progression programs during their first two years in the company.

The ultimate goal of this cultural transformation is to turn Indra into the most attractive, exciting and motivating business project for digital talent. Other pillars of the new culture are the commitment to innovation, diversity and training.

Indra has always been at the forefront in training; an innovator when applying emerging methodologies, such as e-learning, social learning, gamification, etc. and dedicating a considerable effort and important resources to training.

One of the last steps was to incorporate, into Indra’s Corporate University, the online training platform with Udemy for Business on-demand content and to give free access to 40,000 Indra professionals worldwide to over 3,000 specialized courses.

Indra's goal is to enhance ongoing training tailored to the needs, interests and study habits of each and every one of its professionals, relying on their own judgment to develop their capabilities as much as possible and prepare themselves to face current and future challenges.

Top Employer

Indra was recently recognized as 2019's Top Employer due to it being one of the companies that offers the best working environment to its professionals and for its continuous improvement to incorporate the best and most innovative Human Resources practices.

This certificate is the result of Indra’s commitment to the talent of professionals and the effort the company has been making in recent years to implement a cultural transformation that puts professionals at the core; a transformation the company considers strategic. The ultimate goal is to turn Indra into the most attractive, exciting and motivating business project for digital talent.

About Indra

Indra (www.indracompany.com) is one of the leading global technology and consulting companies and the technological partner for core business operations of its customers world-wide. It is a world-leader in providing proprietary solutions in specific segments in Transport and Defense markets, and a leading firm in Digital Transformation Consultancy and Information Technologies in Spain and Latin America through its affiliate Minsait Its business model is based on a comprehensive range of proprietary products, with a high-value focus and with a high innovation component. In the 2018 financial year, Indra achieved revenue of €3.104 billion, with 43,000 employees, a local presence in 46 countries and business operations in over 140 countries.

About Psicosoft eSport Academy

Psicosoft eSport Academy is one of the leading eSports academies in Spain. Founded in 2018, it represents the entrance of the Psicosoft HR consultancy in the world of professional video games. The Academy offers training programs for both gamers and corporate professionals. The Academy's programs offer learning based on five values (flexibility, trust, responsibility, transparency and respect), and six behaviors (global vision, open and flexible mentality, permanent feedback, confidence, drive and motivation towards challenges and continuous learning). 
