9 September 2019Spain
  • The company’s score rose considerably in terms of anti corruption area by reinforcing its culture of compliance and the mechanisms for eradicating any unethical or irregular behavior
  • This prestigious global sustainability index has for the fourth time recognized Indra’s corporate responsibility, good governance, and social and environmental performance, and the company has met all of its demanding requirements 
  • Other areas in which Indra scores highly are labor standards, human rights, the fight against climate change and customer relationships
FTSE4Good Index grants Indra the highest score in good governance and anti corruption measures

For the fourth consecutive year, Indra was included in the FTSE4Good Index Series, one of the most prestigious sustainability indexes in the world, designed to provide investors with information about the companies that comply with the best practices in the environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) fields on a global scale.

To remain in this index, Indra was assessed independently throughout the whole year on the basis of data provided by more than 300 items, and it met the demanding requirements set by FTSE4Good.

The company obtained the highest possible score, 5 points, in the fields of corporate governance and anti -corruption measures thanks to the efforts made in recent years to strengthen its culture of compliance.

Since 2015, after the change of the chairmanship and the management team, Indra has updated and reinforced its prevention system against unlawful activities by managers and employees.  Among many other steps, it revised and strengthened the Code of Compliance and Ethics and the Crime Prevention Model, which are constantly being improved and for which training is continuously given; the Compliance Unit and Internal Audit function were given more independence and resources; penalties have been imposed and disciplinary measures taken when irregular activities were detected; and continuous monitoring is carried out by the Compliance and Audit Commission and the Board of Directors on this matter.

In addition to making its Code of Legal Compliance and Ethics more demanding, Indra has strengthened the knowledge about and respect for legality and all internal rules for employees, in order to eradicate any unethical or irregular behavior. Indra has also promoted the use of the Direct Channel, intended for raising any queries about the interpretation and application of the Code and the implementing regulations, as well as for reporting about any unlawful behavior, irregularity or violation that may have been detected.

The Criminal Compliance certificate, granted by the Spanish agency Aenor in accordance with the UNE Standard 19601, certifies that Indra complies with the best practices in management systems aimed at preventing crimes, reducing crime risks and promoting a law enforcement and ethical business culture, thus contributing to building trust. 

Thanks to the talent management policy and the cultural change that Indra is carrying forward, based on the pillars of diversity, flexibility, training, development of professionals, and innovation, the FTSE4Good Index gave Indra an outstanding score, 4 out of 5, in the area of labor standards. Indra received the same score for its commitment to human rights, the fight against climate change and customer relationships.

Indra's standing in the FTSE4Good Index and the good results achieved imply an acknowledgment of Indra’s commitment to sustainability and continuous improvement, of its strategy, and of its policies regarding orporate Social Responsibility, which are well integrated in the organization and aligned with its activity and objectives.

The shareholder index series FTSE4Good, created by FTSE Russell, includes companies that prove they are leaders on the basis of their practices in the environmental, social and governance fields.

The FTSE4Good criteria are developed on the basis of an extensive consultation process in the market, and they are updated every year. These are based exclusively on data in the public domain, since FTSE Russell does not accept any data or information sent privately by companies, which contributes to higher data credibility and transparency. A wide range of interest groups helps define the admission criteria, including NGOs, government organizations, consultants, scholars, the investment community and the business sector. The index is revised twice a year, on the basis of an annual company assessment cycle.

About Indra

Indra (www.indracompany.com) is one of the leading global technology and consulting companies and the technological partner for core business operations of its customers world-wide. It is a world-leader in providing proprietary solutions in specific segments in Transport and Defense markets, and a leading firm in Digital Transformation Consultancy and Information Technologies in Spain and Latin America through its affiliate Minsait Its business model is based on a comprehensive range of proprietary products, with a high-value focus and with a high innovation component. In the 2018 financial year, Indra achieved revenue of €3.104 billion, with 43,000 employees, a local presence in 46 countries and business operations in over 140 countries.

