Our value proposition

In the transportation ecosystem, being a leader means looking forward.

A future full of opportunities to improve people’s lives, making them easier, safer and more comfortable.

We have the responses and solutions for today, and we will have the responses and solutions for tomorrow.

Because at Indra we understand business and we know that when everything flows, life works.

Our capacity to transform and build the mobility of the future is what defines us.

At Indra, we are at the heart of our clients’ businesses, working hand-in-hand with them throughout the full project life-cycle, offering comprehensive solutions and added-value services. What sets us apart is our in-depth knowledge of the planning, construction, management and operation of transport services and infrastructures, of all types and in all regions.

We look forward

At Indra innovation is in our DNA. We promote the digitalization of transport to achieve more sustainable, safe, reliable, resilient and accessible mobility and infrastructure.

We strive towards a reduction of accidents, to an improvement of safety, and the protection of travellers and infrastructure.

We facilitate more efficient and less polluting transport management, optimizing the use of public resources, reducing the carbon footprint, promoting sustainable mobility policies and improving air quality.

People are at our core

At Indra, we place our professionals at the heart of value creation, focusing on maximising the company’s greatest asset: its people, through a mixture of collaboration, talent, innovation and efficiency.

Our solutions and services

  • Mova Consulting

    We plan and design transport infrastructures

  • Mova Collect

    We promote innovation in payment methods and business models

  • Mova Traffic

    We build comprehensive traffic management and control solutions

  • Mova Protect

    We guarantee maximum protection of businesses and people

  • Mova Experience

    We accompany users on their journey and reinvent their experiences

  • Mova Comms

    We connect the transportation ecosystem with personalized communication solutions

  • Mova Care

    We build the mobility of the future, guaranteeing the best results in the present

  • In-Mova Space

    We empower the intelligent, collaborative and sustainable mobility

  • Sectors

Contact us to know more
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ITT Report 2019

In this new edition of the ITT Report we have focused our attention on connected and intelligent infrastructures: Smart Roads. One of the fields of mobility that has more innovative potential and more impact on users and the environment.

Go to the report


CONNECTIVE: Connecting and Analysing the Digital Transport Ecosystem

To know more