
CODALTEC, CORFERIAS and COGES-Eurosatory. Supported by Ministry of National Defence, Colombia


Centro Internacional de Negocios y Exposiciones (CORFERIAS) Bogotá, Colombia

Date -Hour

Monday, 2 December, 2019 to Wednesday, 4 December, 2019


International visitors from governments, Defence and Security forces, private security actors, and the industry from all the countries of the continent.

Indra Participation

Booth 856 Hall 17


Expodefensa 2019  is the international exhibition and point of reference for Latin America in terms of technological development and innovation for Security and Defence Forces (Air, Land and Naval domains).

Addressing the defence and security concerns of governments and all public and private authorities of Latin America, as well as the fight against organized crime, narcotics traffic and urban criminality.

Expodefensa offers solutions to ensure the defence and security of countries, restore and maintain peace and security, and prevent and combat natural and industrial disasters.

After six editions, Expodefensa is:

  • The leading Defence and Security Hub for latin American and Caribbean countries.
  • An international business platform for worldwide manufacturers

2017 key figures:

  • 269 exhibitors from 34 countries
  • 72% international exhibitors
  • 12,500 international visitors
  • 74 official delegations from 30 countries