30 January 2020Spain
  • After achieving remarkable progress in these aspects, it has renewed the certification granted by Top Employers Institute to companies that offer the best work environment, with a 6.6% increase in its overall score
  • Indra, whose talent strategy borders on excellence, has placed people at the center of its cultural transformation, launching numerous initiatives that facilitate professional and personal development of its employees and improve its attractiveness as a company
  • In addition to promoting diversity, training and commitment, it is committed to encouraging young talent and its integration into the company; identifying the qualities of future leaders and strengthening their training; and taking advantage of new working methods and spaces
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Indra, one of the leading global technology and consulting companies, has been recognized, for the second consecutive, year as a Top Employer as one of the companies that offers the best working environment to its professionals and for its continuous improvement to incorporate the best and most innovative Human Resources practices. The certification, granted by Top Employers Institute, an independent certification company that evaluates all talent management processes, also extends to Minsait, Indra’s subsidiary leader in digital transformation and Information Technologies.

Indra increases its overall score by 6.6%. The aspects that contribute most to this increase are leadership development, with 15.6% progress; culture, with 9.5%; and the onboarding process, with an improvement of 9.2%. These are precisely some of the areas in which the company has worked in the last year to reinforce the cultural transformation process in which it is immersed, in order to become the most attractive and motivating company for global digital talent.

Indra’s talent strategy borders on excellence, with a score of 97.8 out of 100, and its workforce planning, with 92.5%. It also improves on other areas of people development that Top Employers Institute assesses: talent acquisition, learning and development, performance management, career and succession management, and compensation and benefits.

Getting the Top Employer certification means recognition of Indra’s commitment to its professionals, to whom it wants to offer a vital project that meets their professional needs, expectations and aspirations, but also their personal ones. With this aim, Indra has placed people at the center of its strategy and its cultural transformation, launching numerous initiatives to enhance young talent and its integration into the company; identify the skills of the leaders of the future and strengthen their training; and take advantage of the new working methods and spaces to boost innovation and professional well-being, in addition to promoting diversity, training and commitment.

“We’re proud to be considered Top Employer, to see that we continue moving forward to offer the best working environment to our employees and that the effort to improve our Human Resources processes has paid off. In the age of knowledge, it is essential to attract the most talented people and have the commitment of professionals so that they can develop their full potential and achieve the greatest impact with their work. And Top Employers Institute helps us in that task,” says José Cabello, Head of Human Resources at Indra.

To achieve the Top Employer certification it is necessary to submit considerable documentation and carry out a comprehensive evaluation, the HR Best Practices Survey, with 100 questions about 600 people development practices. After the validation of results, a third party performs an audit to ensure the integrity of the procedures, processes, systems and data of Top Employer Institute.

Global leadership in diversity and sustainability

Diversity is one of the core principles of Indra’s Talent Management model, and it has become one of the pillars of its cultural transformation. The company has recently been included in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GHG) 2020, which recognizes leading companies in terms of transparency related to gender issues and promotion of equality and diversity.

Indra works to value women’s talent and show confidence in women’s power to improve society through technology. Its gender diversity program continues to be strengthened with initiatives such as group coaching sessions with women from the management team; the “Mujeres que inspiran” (Women who inspire) series, to introduce women who are role models; hack days aimed at women who attend university; social media campaigns; Cinefórum and projects to support women in collaboration with various foundations and associations. 

Indra also enhances its professionals' recognition and pride in belonging, for men and women, with a new evaluation model, including evaluation by project or 360 degrees depending on the role, and showing them the purpose of their work, their contribution to Indra’s projects and how through the company they contribute to transform the world. The company’s efforts to achieve sustainable development have been recognized for 14 years in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) and four years ago in the FTSE4Good Index.

Training the leaders of the future

Another important pillar of cultural change is Indra’s corporate university, creating an ecosystem of continuous independent learning that requires new talent, making available to professionals the best internal and external resources. For example, more than half of the workforce has been trained with Udemy for Business, the online learning platform with more than 3,000 specialized courses on demand, which Indra made available to its workers worldwide for free a year ago.

Indra trains professionals who reach management and direction positions through specific programs, designed in collaboration with the most prestigious business schools, attended by 600 professionals from five continents in the last two years. There are five specific training programs that are aimed at technicians who begin to undertake management responsibilities, as well as new managers and directors or professionals with experience in these roles. 

In addition, in order to identify the necessary skills in the new leaders to successfully face the coming challenges, Indra has received feedback from more than 2,000 managers around the world, who have shared their ideas on a collaborative platform in the cloud.

Innovation in processes to conquer young talent

In the last year, Indra has also improved its on-boarding process, incorporating new dynamics and more enjoyable and interactive training to facilitate the integration of professionals during their first months in the company. Among other actions, it has organized talent camps in which young professionals who are going to join one of the company’s markets receive specialized training in technical, business, digital and other necessary skills in that field for several weeks to be able to develop their full potential from the beginning of their career in Indra.

Talent camps are part of the Smart Start program of young talent, through which Indra has recruited more than 7,000 young people in Spain in the last three years, offering them specific training, development, evaluation and professional progression for their first two years in the company. One of the latest strategies, as a tool to train young talent for the new digital work environment, are e-Sports, which also help to engage young professionals.

Indra also takes advantage of the new, more collaborative and inspiring work spaces, and new working methods to foster creativity, innovation, transparency, collaboration and a good atmosphere among all professionals. Thanks to technology, what is truly and increasingly important is the employee’s contribution and not the place from which they work, which makes it easier for professionals to balance their personal life and professional life more effectively.

About Indra

Indra (www.indracompany.com) is one of the leading global technology and consulting companies and it’s the technological partner for key business operations for its clients all over the world. It is a leading global supplier of proprietary solutions in specific segments of the Transportation and Defence markets, and a leading company in digital transformation and Information Technologies consulting in Spain and Latin America through its subsidiary Minsait. Its business model is based on a comprehensive offer of its own products, with an end-to-end, high value and a high innovation component approach. In 2018 Indra received income totaling €3.104 billion and had 43,000 employees, a local presence in 46 countries and business operations in more than 140 countries.

Top Employers Institute

The Top Employers Institute is the global authority on recognizing excellence in people practices. They help to accelerate these practices to enrich the world of work. Through the Top Employers Institute certification program, participating companies can be validated, certified and recognized as model employers. Founded more than 28 years ago, Top Employers Institute has certified more than 1,600 organizations in 119 countries/regions. Top Employers certifications make a positive impact on the lives of more than 6,900,000 employees worldwide.
Top Employers Institute. For a better world of work.
