Project Description
The proposal of the project is to develop a new communications recorder system based in embedded processor and custom electronics designed by Indra.
The two main objectives are the following:
- Reduce hardware cost per recording channel. Indra will design a new hardware system based in ARM processors.
- Design new software application to improve robustness and modularity.
Collaborating Companies or Organisations
Indra's Role
Leader. Management and development.
Technologies used
The main technologies involved in the project are:
- Multilayer High Speed Printed Circuit Board design.
- Software design. C++, HTML5, Selenium, Jenkins, Testlink, JIRA.
- ARM processors design.
- Audio digital signal processing (FPGA, DSP)
More information
This project, under reference nº 10/16/LE/0032, has been financed by the Agency for Innovation, finance and business internationalization of Castilla y León within the R&D Strategic Plans line.
ONU Sustainable Development Goals: