Project description
The main objective of ROMEO project is to reduce O&M costs through the development and demonstration of an O&M information management and analytics platform, capable of improving decision making processes by offshore wind farm (WF) operators whilst allowing a transition from corrective maintenance to condition-based maintenance strategies.
A flexible and interoperable Cloud and Internet of Things (IoT) platform will provide an advanced analytics ecosystem for failure diagnosis and prognosis models to better understand the real time behaviour of the main components of WTGs under operational conditions; maximizing their life span and minimizing O&M costs. Additionally, the project will develop third-generation condition monitoring systems for some WTG components and low-cost structural condition monitoring systems.
The innovations developed within the R&D work packages will be tested in three use cases managed by the wind farm operators of the following projects: Teeside (United Kingdom), Wikinger (Germany) and East Anglia 1 (United Kingdom). This way, the benefits achieved will be demonstrated, and the future replication of the project in other wind farms will be ensured.
Collaborating Companies or Organisations
Indra´s Role
Indra will lead WP5 “DATA ACQUISITION AND ANALYTICS ECOSYSTEM”. Indra will be responsible of the overall architecture definition, focus on sensor data acquisition layer and field bus and edge computing layer.
Indra products that will be adapted in this project are:
ISPEED FMB is a real-time data acquisition and processing platform capable of responding to the rigorous needs of the grid, based on the innovative edge computing paradigm. SPEED is based on a publish-subscribe mechanism. The main purpose of the real-time platform is to increase productivity and efficiency in the management of information generated by various monitoring and control applications.
Babel connector is an advanced real time communications manager built on J2EE that can be used with any platform and operating system. It enables communication with multiple elements within a facility, incorporating different standard protocols of communications used in the power industry domain.
Industrial Node#1 is a powerful smart node developed with Intel technology (Moon Island Stack) to enable real-time devices management with embedded security hardware, which is scalable and compatible with most of the devices in the market.
Universities and Technological Centers
Technologies used
Java EE, RTLinux, Platform Open Source (Linux, JBoss, Spring, Log4j), Software Architecture SOA, bidirectional communication technologies: last mile solutions (RF, Zigbee, Wifi, PLC, ADSL…) as well as wide range solutions (WLAN, LAN, FO, ADSL, GPRS.). Low latency communication Middleware, advanced user interfaces, algorithms, distributed storage, CEP engines.
More information
This project, with file number H2020-745625, has been financed by the European Union under the H2020 program