Project Description
The MONALIS project focuses on the implementation of architectures and management of advanced communications infrastructures, such as the distribution of multimedia content with ubiquity in the Internet of the Future, which require large-scale traffic management solutions. In addition, the role of users as the main player in the multimedia sector makes measuring the customer experience an essential task.
Collaborating Companies or Organisations
Indra's Role
MONALIS focuses on managing the quality of the experience in the distribution of content on Internet communications networks of the future. To this end, user-based management capabilities will be provided by monitoring, analyzing, measuring and estimating the quality of the Over-the-top multimedia content experience. On the other hand, mechanisms will be established for its implementation in content distribution networks in order to efficiently manage services with maximum user satisfaction.
Universidades y centros tecnológicos
Technologies used
- Monitoring
- Supervision
- QoS
- QoE
- Probes
More information
This Project, under reference nº TSI-102102-2016-1, has been cofunded by the Spanish Ministry of Energy, Tourism and Digital Agenda (MINETAD) through the AEESD 2 (Acción Estratégica Economía y Sociedad Digital - Impulso Tecnológico- clusters) call 2016. This is also a Eureka Celtic Plus C2015 / 4-5 project.