Project Description
Internet of Energy will provide an architecture and will develop distributed embedded systems to implement a real-time interface between the smart grid (which depends of electrical generating renewable energy sources, locally distributed) and a cloud of devices (electric vehicles, commercial and residential buildings, offices, electrical devices, appliances, etc) that can be plugged in and loaded from any source of electrical energy (solar panels, wind turbines, hydroelectric, nuclear or coal).
This will provide the capacity to produce, store and use energy efficiently, balancing the supply and the demand using a cognitive Internet of Energy, which will harmonize the grid by processing data, information and knowledge through the Internet.
Collaborating Companies or Organisations
Indra's Role
Indra will participate in the hardware development for some pilots and in the optimization of the duration of hybrid vehicle batteries. Indra will also contribute in the definition of requirements and specifications of the global infrastructure for the management and control of energy and economic transactions resulting from the integration of electric vehicles to the current and future smart grid.
Universities and Technological Centres
Technologies used
- Systems and platforms to manage and control energy networks from production to distribution
- European standard Smart Grids for energy monitoring: smart meterings and managers of energy demand in buildings
- Systems for optimizing and self-recharging electric vehicles
More information
This R&D project has been partially financed by ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking and the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism (MINETUR), under the following reference numbers:
ARTEMIS: 269374
MINETUR: ART-010000-2011-5