Project Description
Development of a hybrid communications infrastructure based on PLC and wireless in order to address the communication requirements of new electrical Smart Grids.
Collaborating Companies or Organisations
Indra's Role
Leader of the WP4 work package. Developing the NMS system (Communication Network Management System) and developing new functionalities for the EMIEL Smart Meter system.
Universities and Technological Centres
Technologies used
- NMS. Network Management System.
- EMIEL Smart Meter
More information
The INTEGRIS (INTelligent Electrical GRId Sensor Communications) project, which has the objective of designing and developing a robust and flexible communications infrastructure that is able to obtain and efficiently channel in real time all the information required by new electrical smart grids. The project, which has a 30 month duration and a budget of nearly five million euros (of which the European Commission is subsidising more than 60%), allows to optimally manage supply and demand,
as well as to minimise losses, improve asset management, and simplify the grid´s operation.
- Developing an infrastructure with a low roll-out cost.
- Analysis distributed system techniques.
- Feasibility of using cognitive system techniques.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no FP7-247938
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