15 June 2020Spain
  • This certifies that Indra's Risk Control and Management System complies with the principles and best practices in this area, that it is effectively implemented and integrated throughout the organization, and that it includes all the processes that ensure optimal management of any external factor or internal risk
  • Indra obtains recognition for its commitment to continuous improvement and its effort to adopt the best corporate governance practices with this certification, which is based on ISO 31000, the standard of best practices for dealing with any external or internal risk factor in an organization
Indra, the first Ibex 35 company to achieve certification of its risk management system by Aenor

Indra, one of the leading global technology and consulting companies, has become the first Ibex 35 company to obtain AENOR Risk Management certification, in accordance with the ISO 31000 standard. 

This certifies that Indra's Risk Control and Management System complies with the principles and best practices in this area, that it is effectively implemented and integrated throughout the organization, and that it includes all the processes that ensure optimal management of any external factor or internal risk. The certification is valid for Minsait (Indra's Information Technology subsidiary) and all the companies majority owned by the company.

The AENOR certificate focuses on the management of corporate risks, which includes the management of financial and non-financial risks or risks related to sustainability. Indra is thus in an advantageous position to identify and face the challenges that arise in an increasingly competitive, changing and global environment, in which new threats, but also new opportunities, arise daily. 

Holding this certification represents recognition of Indra's commitment to continuous improvement and its effort to adopt the best corporate governance practices and, specifically, to identify and manage the risks to which it is exposed, to reduce uncertainty and to implement appropriate management measures sufficiently in advance to mitigate the probability of risks occurring and/or their potential impact on business objectives.

This certification helps Indra to improve the management of global risks that may affect the company, ensuring its sustainability and the achievement of its objectives. In addition, it helps the company to be better prepared to respond to crisis situations, reducing their consequences and facilitating the restoration to normality of the main activities in the shortest possible time. 

AENOR highlights Indra's clear commitment "to the integration of a risk management model based on a solid organizational structure and distribution of risk management responsibilities throughout the organization".

The Risk Control and Management System at Indra is constantly updated in accordance with the most stringent national and international standards and its elements and internal regulations are continuously adapted to Indra’s corporate processes and business areas. 

This is a process promoted by the Board of Directors and Senior Management, responsibility for which is incumbent upon each and every member of the company.

Indra has a Risk Control and Management Policy that is complemented by policies and procedures for Indra's main processes, which are also periodically reviewed and updated to ensure compliance with applicable regulations and best practices.

The company currently has a “Three Lines of Defence Model”, which comprises the operational management of the management team and all the professionals; Indra's Internal Control and Risk Management system; and the line formed by the Internal Audit department, which ensures the proper functioning of the model, and by the Compliance Unit.

Commitment to Good Governance and sustainability

Since 2015, Indra has focused on improving its corporate governance and regulatory compliance. The company has succeeded in significantly improving its Good Governance score on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) World, where it has been listed for 14 years. Likewise, it has obtained the highest score in corporate governance and anti-corruption in the latest edition of the FTSE4Good Sustainability Index.

The company has also been included as one of the world's leading sustainability companies in “The Sustainability Yearbook 2020”, the most important annual report on sustainability worldwide, commends Indra as one of the best-positioned companies in the sector in terms of facing the economic, social and environmental challenges to come.

About Indra

Indra (www.indracompany.com) is one of the leading global technology and consulting companies and the technological partner for core business operations of its customers world-wide. It is a world-leader in providing proprietary solutions in specific segments in Transport and Defence markets, and a leading firm in Digital Transformation Consultancy and Information Technologies in Spain and Latin America through its affiliate Minsait. Its business model is based on a comprehensive range of proprietary products, with a high-value focus and with a high innovation component. In the 2019 financial year, Indra achieved revenue of €3,204 billion, with more than 49,000 employees, a local presence in 46 countries and business operations in over 140 countries. 


AENOR is a professional service entity that identifies and helps to remedy shortcomings in the competitiveness of companies, sectors and the economic fabric in general. It contributes to the transformation of society by building trust between organizations and individuals through conformity assessment services (certification, inspection and testing), training and information. 

AENOR is the leading certification body in Spain, and already operates in 90 countries. More than 82,000 work centers have one of AENOR’s certifications in fields such as Quality Management, Sustainability, Verification of non-financial Information, Animal Welfare, Occupational Health and Safety, Digitalization and Compliance.

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