Project Description
The UNICOM project is financed by the European Commission within the framework of the Research and Innovation Program "Horizon 2020", this action has a budget of 21 million euros, with an EC funding of 19 million euros. The consortium is composed of 70 organizations that includes 18 European countries and the United States, either as beneficiaries or as observers.
UNICOM will focus on the development of the IDMP set of standards (Identification of medicinal and pharmaceutical products) of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), its testing, implementation and dissemination for regulatory purposes by the National Pharmaceutical Agencies, for global pharmacovigilance and for the advancement of European cross-border dispensing. Border electronic prescription services; improve patient safety and better medical care. At the same time, it will benefit pharmaceutical companies applying for marketing authorization for new products, providers of drug dictionaries or databases, clinical software companies, including startups developing smart applications for patients, and finally , to patients and health professionals.
The UNICOM consortium includes 26 national drug and eHealth agencies, standards development organizations (SDOs), cross-border e-prescription service providers in the context of the EU Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) eHealth services, physicians, software providers, producers of pharmaceutical dictionaries and others. A wide variety of relevant stakeholders are involved through their associations.
Collaborating Companies or Organisations
Indra's Role
Minsait participates as technological partner and takes part in 3 of the 12 work packages WP5, WP6 and WP7, whose objective is the analysis, design, development and piloting of solutions that facilitate the implementation of ISO IDMP to allow cross-border dispensing, the power to share the “Patient Summary” in a European Cross-Border context and global drug-surveillance at the European level.
- WP5 : IDMP adoption by eHealth Services
- WP6 : IDMP adoption by eHealth Services
- WP7: eHDSI cross-border / national eHealth services piloting
In particular, Minsait participates as a technological partner of the Andalusian Health Service in the Pilot to be carried out in Andalusia, and where the DSS solution developed by Indra will be piloted in the context of UNICOM.
Universities and Technology Centers
Technologies used
Onesait Healthcare Data. Indra will develop an innovative DSS (Decision Support System) component based on the FHIR CDSHook standard to provide intelligence to current prescription and dispensing processes, such as drug substitution and pharmacovigilance. In addition it will facilitate the transcoding of drugs codes in regional and national databases to unique identification codes (IDMP standard) and vice versa.
More information
EThe UNICOM Innovation Action has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 875299
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