We collect more than three tons of garbage on World Cleanup Day

Climate action
Environment and climate change
Social action

More than 130 volunteers joined the cleanup campaigns on land and sea around the world.

More than 130 Indra volunteers participated in World Cleanup Day cleanup drives on land and at sea from different countries. The sea sweeps were led by the company's "Diving for the Environment" club, which was supported by local and specialized environmental and diving companies.

Indra frames this action in its line of environmental volunteering, which together with social and digital volunteering constitute the three pillars of the plan designed by the company to respond to the interests of professionals when it comes to contributing to society and aligned with its strategy.

Indra's strategy is to raise awareness of the environment and its importance for the company's social and digital volunteering.

In addition to raising awareness among professionals and bringing them closer to real problems, volunteering facilitates the development of skills and abilities such as teamwork, creativity and communication. It also contributes to generating pride in belonging, by allowing professionals to improve the world through the company, and to driving the cultural change with which Indra aims to become the most attractive company for global digital talent.


We promote environmental volunteering initiatives with our professionals

Sustainable Development objectives related



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