Description of the Project
The INDY project will be the first step to increase the security of energy supply and autonomy of deployable military camps and support their full transition towards implementation of renewable energy sources with the use of new disruptive technologies and solutions for future military camps. The roadmap shall seek to reduce the usage of fossil fuel by 40% in 2030 compared to the present situation and to reach 100% fossil fuel independency in 2050.
Industrial Partner
Indra´s Rol
Indra assumes the role of WP leader to lead and participate in activities related to interoperability, standardization, energy life cycle assessment, cyber protection and risk assessment.
Universities and Technology Centers
Tecnologies Employed
The best available and disruptive technologies and systems will be evaluated for the entire energy chain and for all uses of energy in order to better manage resources and optimize needs.
Additional Information
This Project, with file number 101103388, has been financed by Defence Industry and Space European Commission section (DEFIS) within European Defence Fund program.
ONU Sustainable Development Goals: