Description of the project
The main target of TIRESYAS project is to create more flexible and adaptable RF/RADAR systems in terms of modes of operation and beamforming, capable of exploring different frequency ranges (or bandwidth) while maintaining a high signal-to-noise ratio and integrating more functions. At the same time, it will respond to operational constraints in terms of size, weight, power and cost (SWaP-C). It will complement the ARTURO project (EDF 2021).
Industrial partners
Indra's rol
Indra leads one work package related to the analysis and evaluation of the innovative technical characteristics of the new sensors. Additionally, it participates in tasks within the rest of the work packages, such as chiplet design activities in the domain of photonics together with the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Indra brings its solid experience in radar technology where it is a worldwide leader in the development of systems in this field.
Universities and technology centers
Technologies employed
This project includes the following works:
- Investigate Dual / multi-band and multi-functional aperture radar operating with different radar frequencies for counteracting brand new threats while increasing sensor resilience and sustainability.
- Enhance radar performance with the application of new technologies (e.g. AI, digital radar, High Performance Computing technologies, photonic components, etc.)
- Develop new approaches to radar detection and tracking through innovative System Manager algorithms able to combine efficiently multi-beam and pencil beam architectures.
- Investigate adaptive digital cognitive beamforming and target matched waveforms to be included in Software Define Radar architecture.
More information
This Project, with file number 101117731, has been financed by the European Commission within the call for the 2022 European Defense Funds under the topic EDF-2022-RA-SENS-ART: Advanced radar technologies.
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