- Indra consolidates its presence as one of the companies leading the R+D+i programs financed by the European Defence Fund and demonstrates its capacity to articulate the large international consortia promoted by the EU
- It plays a key role in projects that will mobilize more than half a billion euros, representing more than half of the entire budget allocated to this third call for proposals
- Indra is making advances in the objective set out in its Leading the future strategic plan to become the national coordinator leading the Spanish defence ecosystem, with a key role in European security and sovereignty

Indra consolidates its position as a company that is co-leading the development of the next generation of European defense technologies, demonstrating its ability to articulate large consortia working together on cutting-edge systems. The company was recently selected under the third call of the European Defence Fund to promote ten new R+D projects that will mobilize more than 500 million euros, representing more than half of the total budget of this edition.
The company is also leading two of them: the ECYSAP EYE cyber defence project, a successor to another European project it has already led, which places the company at the forefront of the development of these capabilities on the continent; and the NG-MIMA electronic systems for next-generation fighters, which will create synergies with the FCAS, the program promoted by Germany, Spain and France to develop the air combat system of the future.
The other projects in which it participates are related to drone capabilities (EUDAAS 2), anti-drone systems (E-CUAS), sensor networks (EISNET), artificial intelligence and cybersecurity (AIDA), space (EMISSARY), aircraft self-protection systems (CARMENTA PF), air defence (HYDIS) and armor (MARTE).
Indra thus reinforces its position as one of the companies with the greatest participation in this type of technological initiatives. Since the Preparatory Action and the EDIDP Defence Industrial Development Program was launched in 2017, the predecessor of the current European Defence Fund, Indra has been selected in more than 60 R+D+i projects, which have led to developments that, in some cases, have already materialized in prototypes that it is beginning to show to its customers.
Indra's Defense and Security Business Director, Jorge García, emphasized that "the company has consolidated a strong position in the European defence market in a very short time. The Commission, the European Defence Agency (EDA) and our main industrial partners recognize Indra's ability to assemble major consortia ─ made up of companies and research centers of different sizes, countries and areas of expertise ─ and to coordinate the development of the next generation systems that allied countries are demanding”.
Indra's Defense and Security Business Director also adds that "Indra has secured a very relevant participation in projects in which key technological and industrial capabilities are developed to deliver next generation systems to our European customers in the coming years, thereby securing an attractive growth business model for investors and industrial partners. This further ensures that Indra will remain one of the world's most advanced aerospace and defense companies for decades to come”.
All of this, he states, is aligned "with the company's Leading the future strategic plan and our goal of becoming the national coordinator that will lead the Spanish industrial ecosystem in less than 10 years, playing a key role in reinforcing European security and sovereignty".
Indra's position in the international market is already allowing it to facilitate the incorporation of smaller companies and Spanish research centers into large technological programs. At the same time, it is closing partnerships to gain dimension and defend Spanish industrial interests.
About Indra
Indra (www.indracompany.com) is one of the main global defence, aerospace and technology companies and a leader of the digital transformation and information technologies in Spain and Latin America through its Minsait subsidiary. Its business model is based on a comprehensive range of proprietary products with a significant innovative component, making it the technological partner for the digitalization and key operations of its customers around the world. Sustainability is an integral part of its strategy and culture in order to overcome current-day and future social and environmental challenges. In the financial year 2023, Indra achieved revenue totaling €4.343 billion, with more than 57,000 employees, a local presence in 46 countries and business operations in over 140 countries.