4 June 2010Spain
  • A network of indicators will show in real time the conditions of the environment of the Ebro Delta, its evolution and the dynamics of the aquatic ecosystems
  • The € 12 M project awarded by Acuamed (Aguas de las Cuencas Mediterráneas), a state-owned company, is the first of its characteristics and importance in Spain


This project is an outstanding reference in the water market as it is innovative due to its characteristics and importance.

The project seeks to implement a network of environmental indicators which will show the conditions of the environment of the Ebro Delta, its evolution and the dynamics of the aquatic ecosystems, the quality of the water and of the aquifer. It will allow to record the data, create a tool to help in decision-making and to followup the measures implemented in the area.

For this reason, 60 control points will be implemented on the Ebro Delta. They will be equipped with sensors of various technologies and controllers to acquire, elaborate and  transmit the measurements to the data processing centre. The control points are automatic and the data will be transmitted to the centre via radio communication systems.

Environmental information in real time

With the obtained data the solution will provide information in real time about the continental and coastal hydrologic dynamism, for instance, water levels and flows, evolution of the salt wedge or pumping stations, sea level, coastal currents and waves. The solution will also offer information about the continental and coastal sediment dynamics /sediment transport in a river), coastal longitudinal transport, evolution of coastline and of the slope. The quality of the superficial waters and aquifer and rate of soil consolidation will also be studied and documented.

To collect all the necessary information, the project will employ a wide range of technologies including sensors, control equipment, satellite teledetection, fixed and mobile radar systems, communications networks, monitorisation and control software (SCADA system) as well as system intelligence, among others.

Data processing centre and web portal

The project includes the design, development and startup of the data processing centre (CPD) where the information collected at the control points will be managed. For data treatment, a centralised automated information system will be installed. It will integrate SCADA, radar and teledetection data processing, the warehouse data system and the maintenance support system.

The important information will be published in the web portal for either internal or external access. The GIS system will facilitate publication of the geographical information. Furthermore, models to predict evolution of the environment will be studied.

The data processing centre will be connected to Ebro Hydrographic Confederation and the Catalan Water Agency centres for data exchange regarding the area of the delta.

The project also includes the delivery and startup of a laboratory to control water quality.

Acuamed (Aguas de las Cuencas mediterráneas) is the state-owned water company instrument of the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs and is responsible for executing the actions related to the environment, reuse of purified water, desalination, irrigation modernisation, etc. on the Mediterranean coast.  

Agbar is the leading company in the sector of water cycle in Spain and Chile and one of the most important companies worldwide. It is present in Algeria, China, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, Peru and UK. It is made up of more than 130 companies engaged in the integrated management of the water cycle, that is to say, the collection, transport, treatment and distribution of drinking water, in addition to the collection, treatment and reuse of sewage and, finally, its return to nature.

Copisa Group is a holding of companies which operate in infrastructures, industrial, concessions and services sectors. 50 years experience is the company's best credentials. It is among the first twelve construction companies at national level and fiscal year 2009 stands out due to consolidation in the international market.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to stock market capitalisation, and also the second Spanish company with the most investment in R&D. In 2009, revenues reached € 2,513 M, of which a third came from the international market. The company employs more than 29,000 professionals and has clients in more than 100 countries.


