12 March 2012Brazil

It will bring a reproduction of its mobile CBRN laboratory and display information about the Forensic Analysis Laboratory for improvised explosives (C-IED)

The company will present its solutions offering that addresses all the phases of these types of emergencies

The event will take place in Brazil, the location of the next World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games

Indra, one of the leading IT companies in Europe and Latin America, will present its abilities and solutions for countering nuclear, radiological, biological, chemical and explosive threats (CBRNe) at the South America CBRNe forum. This event, which is the most important in Latin America for this field, will take place in Rio de Janeiro 13-14 March.

The solutions that Indra will exhibit include measures for counteracting improvised explosive attacks (C-IED), a field in which Indra is a leading company. This topic will receive special attention in this forum since Brazil will face the challenge of providing optimal security for the sports events it plans to host: the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Rio Olympic Games.

In this regard, Indra will display information about its forensic analysis laboratory, which makes it possible to analyse and obtain information about incidents carried out using these types of explosives. Conceived to be used in operations areas, the company developed this laboratory for the European Defence Agency (EDA). Currently, several countries that belong to the agency as well as a number of NATO member nations are using it in Afghanistan.

Indra will also present its other solutions for controlling risks in the event of an attack involving IED artefacts. The company will explain its abilities for on-site analysis (after an incident) as well as for collecting evidence and treating samples in various analysis levels.

Tested solutions

Aside from the threat involving improvised explosives, the risk of CBRN incident are other aspects that must be taken into consideration to ensure security at large sports events. In the specific case of the Olympics, action protocols have been established for all its events since the 2004 Athens Games.

In this field, Indra will provide the Rio de Janeiro conference with information about the light reconnaissance vehicle it is developing. This vehicle, which can be operated by civil units as well as military ones, allows to monitor CBRN contamination, measure the parameters that determine how it may spread, and also to manage, process and convey the information that has been collected.

Another solution that will be presented at this forum is its mobile CBRN laboratory. A reproduction of this solution will be available in the company's stand. This laboratory allows several technicians to work at the incident location without risking their health in order to analyse samples and send the data that have been collected.

Indra is a pioneer company in the development of proprietary Defence and CBRNe Security solutions, with more than 20 years of experience in this field. Indra's systems cover all the phases involved in this type of threat: detection and early warning, identification of the threat, protection of critical infrastructures and decontamination. It is also a pioneer in the development of emergency command and control centres that monitor and coordinate actions for these types of incidents. In addition, the company offers simulation and training systems to train specialised personnel.


Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to investment in R&D with over € 500 M during the last three years. In 2011 revenues reached € 2,688 M and the international market already accounts for a 50%. The company employs more than 36,000 professionals and has clients in more than 110 countries.


