6 February 2013Philippines


  • The company will be responsible for meter reading and on-premise bill-printing and delivery, enhancing the quality of the service and minimising the risk of fraud
  • This project comes on the back of the one Indra was awarded three years ago to manage the commercial processes of Maynilad, the other water company operating in West Metro Manila
  • The contract strengthens Indra's activity in this sector in the Philippines, where it has a software lab with more than 500 professionals and numerous technology collaborations with the country's main energy an water companies


The Philippines water services utility company Manila Water Company has awarded Indra, one of the leading consulting and technology multinationals in Europe and Latin America, a contract to manage its commercial processes worth €4.8m. The water company serves the eastern zone of Metro Manila, encompassing 23 municipalities and more than a million customers.

The three-year contract covers the commercial activities of the company, including meter reading , the review of the billing and collection processes and the printing of bills in situ.

Indra will be responsible for managing the resources responsible for the daily meter reading and bill presentment activities, including the meter reading personnel, IT applications and business processes in order to improve the water company's operational efficiency.

Thanks to Indra's technology, the Manila Water Company will be able to exercise greater control over the quality of its service, make forecasts, reduce the cost of its operations and include state-of-the-art technological solutions in its reading and collection processes. The system, moreover, will have tools to prevent, detect and respond to fraud and will analyse possible irregular activities in consumption readings and in the subsequent billing.

The solution will enable the water company to achieve greater efficiency in the management of its commercial service and optimise its operations and operational resources, which will result in more effective management and increased profitability.

Indra in the Philippines and Asia

Manila Water is one of the two companies responsible for providing water services in the capital of the Philippines, specifically in the eastern zone of Metro Manila. The western zone is covered by the services of another company, Maynilad, whose commercial processes are also managed by Indra, thanks to the €7m contract the company awarded to it in 2010.

This new project in Manila can be seen, therefore, as a reflection of Indra's strength and experience in the Philippines and, more specifically, in the Energy and Utilities market, where it has a significant presence in the country. The IT multinational is the global technology partner of Meralco, the largest electricity company in the Philippines, and provides services to the main companies in the country's energy sector, such as the Manila Electric Company (Meralco), the country's largest electricity company; Cepalco; and Energy Development Corporation (EDC), the country's largest geothermal energy generation company.

With regard to other sectors, Indra is currently implementing a global health system at the country's largest hospital, the Makati Medical Center, and it has completed the modernisation study of the Justice Administration Department of the Supreme Court of the Philippines.

The technology company's software lab in the Philippines, which employs more than 500 professionals, forms part of Indra's commitment to continue consolidating its activity in the emerging markets of the Asian continent, where it also has subsidiaries in India, China and Sydney as well as a significant presence in other sectors such as Transport and Traffic.

Indra is one of the leading multinationals in Consulting and Technology in Europe and Latin America. Innovation is the basis of Indra's business and sustainability, with €550 million invested in R&D&i in the last three years. This figure sets Indra among the top European companies in the sector by investment. Indra’s turnover is around €3,000 million, and 55% of its revenue comes from international markets and employs 42,000 professionals.

