14 February 2013Spain
  • The multinational will offer its vast experience in collaborating with the Public Administration to the Foundation, in order to bring new technologies closer to the citizen and develop smart cities


Fundetec's Board of Trustees has approved the incorporation of Indra, the multinational consulting and technology firm, as a member of the Foundation, with the purpose of driving the consolidation of the Information Society and further portraying its commitment to innovation and the progress of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), as the key elements behind the development of a new production model that can invigorate the economy. Indra, as a full member, will work hand in hand with other members of the Foundation to reduce the impact of the digital divide in Spain.

The multinational has shared its company and Administration collaboration strategy with Fundetec, with the purpose of bringing new technologies closer to the citizen, offering the Foundation value-added solutions and services, promoting its participation in public initiatives and developing smart cities.

Examples of such a commitment are the Accessible Technologies developed by Indra as part of its Corporate Responsibility, in order to facilitate the social and labour integration of handicapped persons. Likewise, the company has a vast experience in smart cities, with an integral vision and projects for some of the main cities of the world in the mobility and transport, safety, energy efficiency or public health areas.

About Fundetec

Fundetec is a non-profit Foundation and its main goal is to contribute to promoting the Information Society in Spain with the development of initiatives that foster citizen, company and institution access to Information and Communications Technologies (ICT). The actions promoted by Fundetec are arranged around three work lines: digital alphabetisation of social groups at risk of exclusion; promoting the use of ICTs in SMEs, micro-companies and the self-employed as a tool to improve their competitiveness; and stimulating the training in ICTs for employees through Homes Connected to the Internet (HCI) programmes.

About Indra

Indra es la multinacional de consultoría y tecnología nº1 en España y una de las principales de Europa y Latinoamérica. La innovación es la base de su negocio y sostenibilidad, habiendo dedicado 550 M€ a I+D+i en los últimos tres años, cifra que la sitúa entre las primeras compañías europeas de su sector por inversión. Con unas ventas cercanas a 3.000 M€, el 55% de los ingresos proceden del mercado internacional. Cuenta con 42.000 profesionales y con clientes en 118 países.

