28 December 2009Spain

• The company will also support the avionics and communication systems; and the calibration of the Air Force’s equipment.

• The 4-year contract amounts to Euro 53M.

Indra will provide the Air Force with technological support to guarantee maximum performance and efficacy of the early warning and surveillance system of Spains air space. It will also supply the necessary support in order to secure correct performance of the avionics and communication systems and the calibration of the laboratory equipment. The contract, for 4 years with the Ministry of Defence, amounts to Euro 53 M.

In order to optimise system performance, nearly 200 professionals from Indra will engage in technological consultancy and will collaborate with the Air Force in studies and engineering projects.

The support services will be carried out in the Air Force's facilities to guarantee a prompt response, maximum availability and operational capacity of the equipment. The service will be complemented with specific training to the military staff so that they can make the most of the technology and hence optimise the investment.

Regarding the warning and surveillance system, Indra will carry out the maintenance of the radar stations distributed across the country and of the data processing systems and associated network of the control and command system.

For the project, Indra will bring its broad experience since the company deployed a large part of the warning network of the Air Force. This system is capable of detecting and follow up simultaneously more than a thousand aircrafts flying over Spain's air space. It also compares the position of the aircraft with the flight plans so that any unregistered aircraft can be identified immediately.

In compliance with the agreement of logistic support, Indra will undertake the maintenance of the different communication networks of the Air Force which are essential not only to receive information but also to transmit orders.

Besides this, it will carry out the maintenance and engineering of the different embarked avionics systems- such as radars and communication systems- or navigational aid systems-for instance radio navigation or approach radar systems, among others.

The company will collaborate in the engineering works, maintenance and calibration of the equipment of the Air Force's laboratories. These laboratories are responsible for the proper performance of the embarked and ground systems; and the mechanic aspects of the aircrafts. This operation is essential to guarantee the adequate security levels and the performance of the platform and the equipment.

In all these cases, Indra will watch out for components’ obsolescence. The company will guarantee stock availability or will implement the necessary changes to extent the equipment's service life to avoid further expensive investments for this reason.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to stock market capitalisation, and also the second Spanish company with the most investment in R&D. In 2008, revenues reached € 2,380 M, of which a third came from the international market. The company employs more than 29,000 professionals and has clients in more than 100 countries.
