10 March 2011Spain
  • The Sustainability Yearbook 2011”, the most important annual report in this area at World scale, acknowledges Indra as best-positioned company in its sector to face future challenges
  • The IT multinational has been awarded “Sector Mover, that is the company which has promoted sustainability the most in its sector last year
  • These distinctions reaffirm Indra’s commitment to sustainability and reinforce the company as a socially responsible investment

Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe, has been acknowledged leader of the IT Services and Internet sector by “The Sustainability Yearbook 2011”, the most prestigious index worldwide elaborated by the rating agency SAM, in cooperation with PriceWaterHouseCooper.

Acknowledgment as Sector Leader means Indra is the best prepared company to face future challenges and gained an advantageous position compared to North American companies such IBM or Teredata or the Indian companies Tata or Wipro. Besides this, Indra has been identified as a Sector Mover, that is, the company which has promoted sustainability the most in its sector last year

The Swiss rating company SAM (Sustainable Asset Management) invited the 2.500 companies that make up the Dow Jones Global Index to take part in the rating. Only 15% of the best companies in each sector out of 409 firms from 58 different sectors became part of the report.

The report aims at identifying the challenges and risks these companies have to face taking into account the nature of their businesses and at distinguishing those that are better prepared to address them. Some of these challenges have an economical nature, while others are subject to macroeconomic, social and environmental criteria. The report can be used as a tool to identify attractive investment opportunities since it selects the most capable companies to face future challenges.

The participating companies were classified into three categories. All Computer Services and Internet companies, including Indra, fell in the SAM Bronze Class. In total 77 firms from different sectors were included in this category, while 103 were classified Gold Class and 92 Silver.

SAM, author of the report, cooperates with Dow Jones Indexes and Stoxx Limited in the elaboration of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI). Indra has been included for five years in two indexes: DJSI World and DJSI Stoxx besides being at the forefront of the Computer Services and Internet sub sector. For socially responsible investors, these indexes represent a critical tool for future investments.

Sustainable development through innovation

Indra's leadership of the sector in the Sustainability Yearbook 2011 entails an acknowledgement to the company’s policy in terms of corporate responsibility, sustainable development and corporate governance. It also reinforces its performance as part of the socially responsible investment.

Indra contributes to sustainable development through innovation in solutions and services with social values which in turn improve life quality in sectors such as health and transport at the same time they facilitate management and improvement of environmental conditions and make new technologies more accessible.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to investment in R&D with nearly € 500 M during the last three years. In 2010 revenues reached € 2,557 M of which a 40% came from the international market. The company employs more than 30,000 professionals and has clients in more than 100 countries.

