17 August 2011SpainArgentina
  • The centre positions Buenos Aires at the fore front of this type of facilities which can only be found in Madrid, New York, Paris or London
  • The centre is equipped with cutting edge technology to respond to emergency situations or security incidents in the capital, one of the largest of the continent
  • Indra’s solution allows a unique and centralized treatment of incidents notified through emergency incoming calls and will reduce response time 

Indra, the premier IT Company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe, has implemented the Centro Único de Coordinación y Control de Emergencias (CUCC) for the regional government of Buenos Aires in the city. The company undertook the design and start up in just six months and will carry out the maintenance work for four years.

This the first centre of this kind in Latin America and places Buenos Aires in a leading position, as only cities such as Madrid, New York, London or Paris have similar facilities. The concept of the centre is based on the Integrated Centre of Security and Emergency (CISEM), also created by Indra for the regional government of Madrid in 2007.

Indra’s technology will allow integrated management of incoming emergency calls and the coordination of responses by the relevant corps: civil emergencies (civil protection, logistics and auxiliary forces), medical emergencies (SAME), security incidents (Metropolitan police) and traffic and transport control. In addition to this it allows collaboration with other organs associated to emergencies and disasters such the Federal Police and the fire fighters or services companies. This way, the solution provides a comprehensive and coordinated response in case of emergencies or security incidents in one of the largest cities of the continent.

Cutting edge technology

The brain of the centre consists of a comprehensive emergency management system called iSafety. It was developed by Indra and gives support to the CUCC and to the emergency division. The system helps enhance the efficiency of the emergency services by offering agents a complete vision of incidents already addressed, the possibility of a fast and coordinated response, thus reducing time which is a critical element in this type of situation.

Through the CUCC users will be able to work and plan services hand in hand without detriment to independence and confidentiality of the data of each area. In addition to this, it will contribute to users’ mobility and decentralization in order to extend the capture and information exploitation from different places or situations.

Indra’s solution integrates in a single platform new integrated applications such as warning systems, coordination, control, response, dispatch and resource followup, integration of communications, GIS or vehicle localization systems. The above-mentioned systems have been integrated with the applications the different agencies often use.

The unique emergency services number will allow redirecting and processing of the information. It will help produce a fast and adequate response in the event of an emergency, so that with a single call the different services can meet the same need.

Top security and availability

The centre implemented by Indra measures 2,500 sq meters occupied by a control room-with capacity for 65 operators-crisis room, technical room, offices and auxiliary rooms.  Indra has also allotted a centre for back up located 10 km away.  It is equipped with all the necessary means to guarantee correct performance in the event of general failure of the main centre.

There are two mobile units, the Centros de Operaciones de Emergencia (COE) which consist of vehicles embarked with satellite communications and the systems of the CUCC. With the units the interventions can be dealt with onsite. 
Seeking 24x7-performance Indra implemented a latest-generation technology infrastructure containing networks, optical fibre and telephony. For the design a redundancy criterion was applied in order to guarantee availability of the systems even in the event of a disaster. All components of the assistance network are constantly connected and receive feedback from the centre in order to offer an efficient and fast response to the populations’ needs.

Leadership in security centres and emergencies

This contract reinforces Indra's leadership in the implementation of security and emergency centres for security corps. The company has broad experience in this area with references such as SIMGE, of The Military Emergency Unit; CISEM of Madrid's City Council and SIGE of Civil Protection, or the integrated security and emergency system for Catalonia's fire-fighter brigade, among others. Thanks to this and to other projects, more than 40 million citizens are protected with Indra's emergency management systems.

Indra has also implemented control and security systems centres for important events such as Expo Zaragoza, the Universal Forum of Cultures in Barcelona, The America’s Cup, in Valencia, the Seville Expo or the Olympic Games held in Barcelona.

The company has significant references in the development and implementation of identification solutions such as the Spanish electronic ID card or the Portuguese passport and is a leader in the development and start-up of coastal surveillance systems in Europe with projects in Spain, Portugal, Latvia and Rumania and Hong Kong outside Europe. The company’s technology is at the forefront of airport border management with solutions like the quick access system implemented in the airports of Madrid, Barajas and Barcelona, El Prat.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to investment in R&D with nearly € 500 M during the last three years. In 2010 revenues reached € 2,557 M of which a 40% came from the international market. The company employs more than 31,000 professionals and has clients in more than 110 countries.
