25 October 2011Spain
  • The new delivery model, called Flex-IT, allows cost reduction and dealing with real demand and business evolution
  • It benefits from all the advantages “the cloud” offers in order to optimise the delivery of outsourcing services in a hybrid environment with  security guarantee to tenants


Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe, will provide its clients with Cloud Computing services through an advanced delivery on-demand modality called Flex-IT. This proprietary model benefits from all the advantages “the cloud” has to offer and adjusts the provision of infrastructures and services to what clients demand at any time.

Flex-IT is the result of applying cutting-edge technology to IT services provision. It is based on the premise that IT management” requires a combination of traditional and virtual models integrated in private and/or public “clouds”. Indra built a private version to combine all these options, that is, a hybrid management environment which can be adapted to the reality of business processes depending on the criticality of the services, need of control or customisation, legal requirements or the possibility of standardisation, etc.
This delivery model, more advanced when compared to the traditional modality, represents a significant change in the way outsourcing services are provided as it offers immediate access in record time regardless of location and flexible prices. It is also more efficient than the public cloud in terms of security and comprises all the IT necessary management processes to provide the possible levels of services: Infrastructure management as a service, software as a service, desktop as a service and application management as a service (ImaaS, SaaS, DaaSy AmaaS respectively).

Advantages of “the cloud”

One of the most important advantages of this model is cost reduction by utilizing a multi-tenant platform which makes investment in infrastructures unnecessary, and a shared management of resources and services, thus reducing operational costs.

Besides this, prices can be flexible and adapted to real consumption since access is on demand and  not all operations might require the same amount of resources.

Finally, Flex-IT is based on a multi-tenant platform conceived to guarantee security and tenant isolation by separating servers, networks and storage securely by means of technology solutions. At the same time it manages the cloud services using an ad-hoc security approach for each client.

Indra, at the forefront of Cloud services

Cloud computing is currently one of the most significant IT delivery models for the future thanks to the advantages it offers in terms of access to shared, scalable, delocalised and virtually assembled resources on demand, in real time for flexible prices.

Indra is at the forefront of Cloud Computing services thanks to a thorough offer which comprises the chain value of IT services: consultancy (to optimise capacities and costs of clients) to the development of new solutions, and IT services outsourcing, etc.

Even though Indra has provided SaaS to its clients since 2005 with flexible prices, the new Flex-IT represents a drastic change in the way the technological resources are made available for clients. With Flex-IT a more efficient management of the infrastructure is possible. This will translate into more competitiveness and better prices for clients.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to investment in R&D with nearly € 500 M during the last three years. In 2010 revenues reached € 2,557 M of which a 40% came from the international market. The company employs more than 31,000 professionals and has clients in more than 110 countries.
