18 November 2013Spain
  • The dual equipment for charges of up to 43 KW and the platform for managing and operating charge infrastructures are the main innovations the company will unveil 
  • The multinational consulting and technology firm continues making progress in the development of solutions aimed at energy efficiency and sustainability in the field of Smart Grids 


Indra will display its comprehensive support solution for electric vehicle roll-out at the 27th Edition of the Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS27) iCAR. The multinational consulting and technology firm's stand will exhibit a number of charge device models connected to its management platform. The Electric Vehicle Symposium is the global reference congress for electric vehicles, and it will take place through Wednesday, 20 November, at the Gran Via Fira Barcelona venue, in collaboration with the Asociación Española del Vehículo Eléctrico (AVELE, the Spanish Electric Vehicle Association).

iCAR is an end-to-end solution that includes the entire range of Indra products related to support infrastructures for electric vehicle roll-out, from the platforms that provide charge services, including the control and management of the equipment and communications, to charge stations with optimal features.

The multinational consulting and technology firm has chosen the EVS27 as the setting to unveil to the public for the first time the iCAR FAST and iCAR CONTROL, two of its latest developments within its global solution for electric vehicle roll-out. iCAR FAST is a device that provides charges of up to 43 KW with a dual configuration for sharing all the power available in the event that two vehicles are connected simultaneously.

On the other hand, iCAR CONTROL is a platform for managing and operating charge infrastructures. It is being developed in collaboration with Iberdrola, one of the leading operators of the Spanish market. The platform provides value-added services to the infrastructure operator, the providers of charge services and end customers. It also enables the integration of the vehicle charge management process with Iberdrola's other corporate systems.

Indra's charge devices have passed Renault's Z.E. Ready / E.V. Ready certifications, which guarantees the compatibility of the electric vehicles of the Renault-Nissan alliance and the EV Ready consortium. They have also passed the Nissan certification tests for the Euroleaf.

Smart technologies for the efficient and sustainable use of energy

Since 2008, Indra has been working on analysing the requirements and needs of the infrastructures that facilitate the implementation of electric vehicles in society. As a result, the company has developed a comprehensive solution that enables simple operation for vehicle users and manufacturers (OEMs), minimising the impact of charge infrastructures on national electric systems and promoting the appearance of new actors and business models associated to electric vehicles. The multinational consulting and technology firm is also actively involved in work groups fostered by Spain's Ministry of Industry to promote the development of electric vehicles in Spain, in addition to collaborating in various research projects and initiatives with different agents and companies within the energy sector.

Indra has a global strategy aimed at developing new technologies and solutions for energy efficiency and sustainability in the areas of generation, transmission, distribution, transport, industrial and residential consumption. The company participates in various projects for new smart grid infrastructures that ensure sustainable, secure and economic development, and it is involved in an advisory capacity in the Spanish National Energy Commission's for the development of smart grids.

The multinational and Gas Natural Fenosa jointly led the Energos R&D&i project aimed at developing methods and technologies for the grids of the future. It also participated with Gas Natural Fenosa in the European Union's 3E Houses project aimed at demonstrating and quantifying the contribution of ICTs to improving energy efficiency in homes through a pilot programme for subsidised housing in San Cugat del Vallés. And it is co-leading the ZIGAMIT project aimed at using the infrastructure being deployed for remote meter reading to offer services for integrated management of home comfort to residential customers. 

It also participated in other R&D&i projects for developing new computer systems (grid model, real-time integration platforms and two-way communication solutions). A highlight in this area is an innovative remote management system, Smart Platform for Efficient Energy Distribution (ISPEED), for a new generation of smart meters (iMeter).


Indra is the leading Spanish multinational consulting and technology firm and one of the main players in Europe and Latin America. Innovation is the cornerstone of its business and sustainability. The company has allocated more than €550 million to R&D&i in the last three years, making it one of the top companies in Europe in its sector in terms of investment. With sales approaching €3,000 million, nearly 60% of its income is from the international market. The company employs 42,000 professionals and has customers in 128 countries.
