• The company has installed its solutions in submarines for the Spanish, German, Italian and Portuguese Navies.

Indra will present its offering of advanced solutions for state-of-the-art submarines at the Undersea Defence Technology (UDT) industry fair, which will take place in Alicante from the 29th to the 31st of May. The company has installed its technology in U212, U214 and S-70 class submarines. The future Spanish S-80s will also be fitted with Indra equipment.

The solutions that will be on display in the IT multinational's stand at UDT include the T-Sub satellite communications system. This device offers a high voice and data transmission capacity on the X band. Indra has installed it on German U212 and Portuguese U214 submarines, as well as on the Spanish Navy's S70s, where it has been in operation since 2002. Indra will also supply T-Sub systems for two Italian U-212 submarines via Fincantieri. In addition, the T-Sub communications system has been adapted for Ku band operation, and this version has generated a great interest on the market.

At the fair, Indra will also provide complete information about its electronic defence systems for submarines. Currently, several German and Italian U212s are using this technology to protect their platforms. Indra's RESM/CESM Signal Intelligence (SIGINT) system is one of the few in the world that is adapted to submarines that operates on the radar band as well as the communications band. It detects any active radars and locates practically 100% of radar and communications signals, including the weakest and those with the lowest probability of detection. It also makes it possible to monitor and identify the platform.

The system's high processing capacity allows it to analyse the radio electric spectrum in real time, offering the crew an advantage over other platforms. It also recognises the electronic finger print of each radar, identifying the ship that carries it. The Spanish Navy's new S-80 submarines will be equipped with this electronic defence solution.

Indra will also install its LPI radar system and its Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) system on the S-80. As far as Indra's LPI radar, the Aries-S, this system is virtually undetectable and stands out because of its low strength and high resolution.

This family of solutions is accompanied by the Percosub periscopes that have been designed and developed by Indra and are currently used by Spanish S-70s. In addition, the company has a centre of excellence in Fuente Alamo (Murcia) that specialises in maintaining these periscopes as well as other electronic, optical and sonar systems.

In the area of training, Indra is finalising the development of the S-80 simulator. This solution reproduces a life-sized section of the submarine. It is mounted on a platform that allows it to move and replicates the systems and behaviour of an actual S-80. This system will make it possible for sailors to train protocols and responses in light of emergency situations.

Security in the Sea

In the field of maritime security and defence, Indra has fitted Spanish Navy ships with its electronic defence systems. Vessels such as the F100 or the Strategic Projection Ship are equipped with this technology as well as the company's radars and communications systems. Indra has also supplied various systems for vessels of European and Latin American countries as well as India.

On the other hand, the IT multinational is the European leader in rolling out coastal surveillance systems. More than 3,500 kilometres of borders throughout the world are monitored using Indra's systems. The company also leads the Perseus project, which is aimed at integrating the various coastal surveillance systems that currently exist in Europe and expanding them. In addition, Indra has developed an unmanned helicopter, the Pelicano, which has been specifically designed to travel aboard military vessels and perform surveillance tasks. At this time, the company is working on the development of a new light maritime surveillance plane, the P2006T MRI, which is equipped with intelligence systems that transform it into the most efficient platform on the market for monitoring large areas in the sea.


Indra is the number one IT multinational in Spain, and one of the leaders in Europe and Latin America. It is the second European company in its sector in terms of R&D, with more than €500 million invested in the last three years. Its 2011 revenues were €2.688 billion, and international markets now account for 50%. The company employs more than 36,000 professionals and has customers in 118 countries.
