25 August 2021Spain
  • It is the first Ibex 35 company to obtain and renew the certification of its Risk Control and Management System in accordance with the ISO 31000 standard, which guarantees that it complies with the most demanding principles and processes for the optimal governance of any internal or external risk
  • Indra has improved the consideration of the extra-financial risks (ESG) and the methodology for identifying opportunities in keeping with its strategy and promoted the involvement of all the company’s divisions in the drawing up of the risk map and the processes for its management
  • The certification acknowledges Indra’s commitment to continuous improvement and its efforts to adopt the best practices in corporate governance and sustainability 
Sede corporativa

Indra, one of the leading global technology and consulting companies, has renewed its AENOR Risk Management certification in accordance with the ISO 31000 standard, which certifies that its Risk Control and Management System complies with the principles, processes and best practices to ensure optimal governance of any external or internal risk factor.

The certificate, which focuses on the management of its corporate, financial and non-financial and sustainability-related risks, encompasses Minsait, the Indra company that leads Digital Transformation and Information Technologies consulting in Spain and Latin America, and all the companies in which the company has a majority ownership interest.

Indra, the first Ibex 35 company to obtain and renew this certification, is continuing to enhance the risk management culture throughout the organization.

Indeed, one of the strengths of the audit carried out by the company was that the risk management model forms part of the entire organization, and this is reflected in the involvement of all the divisions and levels of the company in the drawing up and review of the global risk map and the processes for its management. In addition, a major effort is being made to publicize the company’s culture and key values and provide training for Indra’s professionals around the world in this regard.

The result of the audit also shows that, over the last year, Indra has improved in terms of the consideration of the extra-financial perspectives related to ESG (environmental, social and governance) criteria and Human Rights performance in the risk management process. These advances are clearly related to the momentum Indra has given to sustainability in recent years, which has led it to become the second most sustainable company in the world in its sector, according to the S&P yearbook, the most prestigious global report in this field.

Indra is thus ideally placed to identify and overcome the challenges that are arising in an increasingly competitive, changing and global environment, in which new threats, but also new opportunities, occur on a daily basis. 

Continuous improvement

Holding this certification represents recognition of Indra's commitment to continuous improvement and its effort to adopt the best corporate governance practices and, specifically, to identify and manage the risks to which it is exposed, to reduce uncertainty and to implement appropriate management measures sufficiently in advance to mitigate the probability of risks occurring and/or their potential impact on business objectives.

This certification helps Indra to improve the management of global risks that may affect the company, ensuring its sustainability and the achievement of its objectives. In addition, it helps the company to be better prepared to respond to crisis situations, reducing their consequences and facilitating the restoration to normality of the main activities in the shortest possible time. 

The Risk Control and Management System at Indra is constantly updated in accordance with the most stringent national and international standards and its elements and internal regulations are continuously adapted to Indra’s corporate processes and business areas. This is a process promoted by the Board of Directors and Senior Management, responsibility for which is incumbent upon each and every member of the company.

Indra has a Risk Control and Management Policy that is complemented by policies and procedures for Indra's main processes, which are also periodically reviewed and updated to ensure compliance with applicable regulations and best practices.

The company currently has a “Three Lines of Defence Model”, which comprises the operational management of the management team and all the professionals; Indra’s Internal Control and Risk Management system; and the line formed by the Internal Audit department, which ensures the proper functioning of the model, and the Compliance Unit.

About Indra

Indra (www.indracompany.com) is one of the leading global technology and consulting companies and the technological partner for core business operations of its customers world-wide. It is a world-leader in providing proprietary solutions in specific segments in Transport and Defense markets, and a leading firm in digital transformation and Information Technologies in Spain and Latin America through its affiliate Minsait. Its business model is based on a comprehensive range of proprietary products, with a high-value focus and with a high innovation component. In the 2020 financial year, Indra achieved revenue of €3.043 billion, near 48,000 employees, a local presence in 46 countries and business operations in over 140 countries.
