17 June 2010SpainChina
  • During the last years Indra has introduced significant technological innovations in this type of simulator: simulation of air traffic control communications, advanced visual and presentation systems
  • The new simulators will have the highest certification for the civil sector and allow training in scenarios of any airport of the world
  • The Minister of Science and Innovation, Cristina Garmendia, visited today Indra’s Centre of Excellence of Aeronautics Simulation accompanied by the company’s Chairman Javier Monzón

The Minister of Science and Innovation Cristina Garmendia was introduced today to the A-320 simulator during her visit to Indra’s Centre of Excellence of Aeronautics Simulation in San Fernando de Henares accompanied by Indra’s Chairman Javier Monzón. Indra, in cooperation with CDTI developed the new technologies incorporated in this version of the A-320. These technologies will serve as a basis for subsequent simulators.

On occasion of the visit, Indra announced a contract with Hainan Airlines to expand its pilot training centre with two simulators supporting Airbus A-320 passenger aircraft. The contract reaffirms Indra’s position in the civil simulation market in China, with 6 simulators previously delivered and confirms the company as one of the main simulator manufacturers across the world.

Indra has delivered 147 simulators to 15 countries and 39 clients for either civil or military pilots, drivers, machinery operators as well as numerous simulation systems for air traffic controllers. Indra’s simulators have covered more than 700,000 hours of training.

Both new A-320 simulators for Hainan Airlines will possess level D certification, which is the highest, in compliance with FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) and ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) international standards which implies the reproduction of its performance is the most accurate.

This certification allows initial and regular training so that crews and instructors can practice operations such as landing and takeoff in critical weather conditions or emergency manoeuvres safely.


Cutting edge technology

Indra’s simulators will be one of the first of the world to incorporate air traffic control communications simulation. This feature allows to combine training of manoeuvres with the communications with air traffic controllers, runway control, etc. This feature is nowadays much in demand and might be compulsory to obtain the Multi-crew Pilot licence.

Indra’s solution includes a technological innovation consisting of a world visual database which offers the possibility to conduct training at any airport of the world. With this feature, Hainan Airlines can hire its simulators to airlines operating in other regions. The database developed by Indra includes detailed information and allows training and familiarization with real operation scenarios.

Another feature that deserves special mention is the new presentation system which has been thoroughly developed by Indra, a 200 degree visual capability and the visual system (Indra Invis2). It will provide scenes in different weather conditions by means of advanced image generation systems.

These results prove Indra’s capacity to develop unique and innovative projects with proprietary technology which reinforce its position as one of the main technology companies across the world.

CDTI boost to Spanish technology

CDTI (Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology) cooperated with Indra in the development of the first Airbus A-320 simulator. This first development was the model on which the rest of the simulators are based and the one which granted Indra important international contracts such as the project for Hainan Airlines.

Among other outstanding R&D&i projects born of the cooperation between Indra and CDTI, we can mention: Oasis, a solution for operation safe, intelligent and sustainable motorways; ITECBAN, a future integral management banking system; Hesperia, a project for the development of technologies for the security in public spaces; Energos, for the development of smart energy sources or Seduce, a project for the detection of explosives in public spaces and infrastructures, among others.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to stock market capitalisation, and also the second Spanish company with the most investment in R&D. In 2009, revenues reached € 2,513 M, of which a third came from the international market. The company employs more than 29,000 professionals and has clients in more than 100 countries.

