4 November 2010Spain
  • The development is born of the R&D Tratamiento 2.0 project within the Avanza Plan and its objective is to create a generic technological platform which integrates applications for the management and application of remote medical treatments.
  • Professionals will be able to check the patients’ variables and follow up adherence to treatment.
  • Patients will have the possibility to do the rehabilitation exercises, receive notifications to measure glucose levels or blood pressure and submit the information from their homes.
  • The platform includes educational games and smart tools to evaluate feedback and send alerts to both doctors and patients.

The demo presented today is proof of the potential of the system. It simulated a diabetic patient’s home equipped with Tratamiento 2.0 devices and infrastructure and an access to the patient’s records from the hospital. It showed how patients and caregivers interact with the system being it from home or work as well as the channel to gain access to treatment related information or submit it to health professionals. All the data about the patient will be included in the medical records, which means, availability for health care professionals. The technology employed in this prototype can be extrapolated and is applicable to the treatment of a wide range of diseases, for instance: high blood pressure or obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD).

From a functional standpoint, the prototype consists of a central integration unit (UCI) - a pc connected to the internet- which will be installed at the patient’s home. Biometric devices (glucometers, blood pressure monitors, pulsometers, scales or pedometers) and domotic appliances (temperature and light intensity sensors) will be connected to the unit. These devices record parameters such as glucose levels, blood pressure or weight and submit it to the 2.0 platform through the central Integration Unit. Once there, the data remains stored until the health care systems include it in the patient’s medical records. 

The platform tools will offer patients and care givers a notification service via SMS, email or the internal messaging application of the platform to measure glucose levels, arterial oxygen saturation, blood pressure or check the weight etc. Besides this, patients will be able to do the rehabilitation exercises at home. The exercises will be determined by a professional thanks to movement identification technology with web cameras. At the end of the session, the system will submit a report informing about achievements and an objective evaluation of the patient’s evolution throughout the treatment.

Follow up of adherence to treatment and smart alerts

One of the main goals of the project is to improve the adherence to the treatment by chronic patients. The platform includes an application which offers patients and care givers access to recommendations related to the medication of the treatment. It also provides information about any drug and its interactions, reports to the health professional about the punctuality of unprescribed drugs intake and offers a follow up of prescribed drugs intake by reminding the patients the next dose with alarms. Finally, the patient can also report to the professional any allergic or adverse reactions to the prescribed drugs so that the health professional can modify the treatment. 

On the other hand, Tratamiento 2.0 includes services which evaluate and classify the information of the patient so that if the value of a parameter is found to be unusual, alerts can be generated. Both the patient and the professional will receive such alarms as well as instructions. For instance, if the glycemic index is below the individual standards, after measurement of glucose levels an alert process will be activated which will submit recommendations to reach normal levels.

The platform also incorporates games to educate people on diabetes and its treatment so that the health professional in charge of the education can check the assimilation by patients and care givers. In addition to this, it includes an augmented reality application which helps young people understand the information of the guides. Furthermore, health professionals can use a tool to search for documents in the public or private archives and can customize the search by using key words taken from the patient’s digital medical records.

Leadership in digital health

Nowadays, over 32 million people across the globe benefit from Indra’s solutions and systems for the health sector. The company’s solutions are in use by more than 100,000 professionals in over 5,600 health centres and hospitals making 500,000 daily medical appointments possible.

Indra’s technologies and knowledge applied to health are based on its health solutions portfolio which specialises in Telemedicine, digital Imaging, electronic prescription or electronic medical records, among others. This platform is the fruit of cumulative experience in the development of projects for private and public sectors, at both national and international levels.

Regarding the electronic medical records we can mention Diraya, the system which facilitated the implementation of digital health records in Andalusia; IANUS, for the Servizo Galego de Saúde (SERGAS) or Abucasis, for the Valencia community. The company also leads the implementation of the electronic prescription in Spain, where besides the project currently under way in Asturias, it has successfully implemented it in Aragon, Cantabria, Madrid, Murcia, Valencia, Galicia, the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla and Andalusia. On the other hand, the IT company is technology partner of SESCAM in the development of the YKONOS project, the digital medical imaging system of Castilla-La Mancha.
Indra holds a significant position in the implementation and management of multichannel information services which use internet, mobile technology and access points to the health care services in Andalusia, Madrid and Valencia.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. In 2009 revenues reached € 2,513 M of which a 40% came from the international market. The company employs more than 30,000 professionals and has clients in more than 100 countries.
