9 May 2011Spain
  • The novelty of the system resides in its capacity to be integrated with the mobile stations of other SIVEs by means of satellite communications
  • This contract, along with ongoing projects in Pontevedra and Portugal, reaffirms the company’s leadership in border security covering over 2,700 km of the Spanish and Portuguese coasts, in addition to the coastal regions of Latvia, Rumania and Honk Kong

The Ministry of Interior awarded Indra, the premier IT Company in Spain and a leading IT multinational, the permanent deployment of the External Surveillance Integrated System (SIVE) in Tarragona’s coast for € 2, 9 M. The system will be operated by the Directorate General of the Police and the Civil Guard. 

Indra’s avant-garde system consists of three surveillance stations with long-rage cameras, including radar systems and optronic sensors (infrared and visible), a repeating station and a command and control centre located at the Civil Guard headquarters in Tarragona. This center, operated by the Civil Guard, collects and processes all the information coming from the stations, also controlled remotely by the centre. Besides this, it coordinates the response of the authorities in the event of illegal activity or emergencies.  

The new feature of the system consists of its capacity to be integrated with mobile system from any other SIVE through satellite communications. Among its most outstanding characteristics we can mention the interconnection of its information systems with other communications networks of the Civil Guard such as the SAIR platforms (a system for access to remote information) and SIRDEE (State Digital Radio Communications Emergency). It can also be interconnected with SIVEs located in adjoining provinces, thus facilitating control and the setup of security protocols.

Thanks to SIVE any irregular situation could be detected in advance. The system will facilitate decision-making thus reducing response time of the authorities as well as coordination. In addition to this, it will provide assistance to interception and maritime rescue operations improving efficiency.

Control of the peninsula and of the continent
Indra is a leading company in the development and start-up of coastal surveillance systems in Europe. The company’s system covers almost all the territorial waters of the Iberian Peninsula. The company has already implemented its solution in Almeria, Huelva, Gran Canaria, Murcia and Ibiza and is developing two projects in Pontevedra and Portugal, covering 2,700 km of Spanish and Portuguese coasts. Its technology controls 500 km of coastal area in Latvia and 250 km of the Black Sea in Rumania.

Perseus (Protection of European BoRders and Seas through the IntElligent Use of Surveillance), a project born of this experience, has recently started and is led by Indra. The objective of the project is to provide protection to the European seas and borders by means of the intelligent use of technology. The pilot is one of the first and most significant initiatives financed by the Seventh Framework Programme and will be the flagship of maritime security.

Outside Europe, Indra is engaged in an enterprising project to provide Hong Kong and its more than 200 isles with its surveillance systems. This system will be integrated with the maritime traffic control system of one of the most important harbours in the world in terms of cargo activity, ship traffic and passenger flow.
Technology efficiency

Border surveillance offers a great grow potential in the international market for Indra since SIVE’s effectiveness has already been proved. In addition there is a growing demand of this type of systems due to the increasing concern of governments to control their borders. Spain, due to its geographical location, is years ahead in the implementation of these technologies, which makes of Indra a benchmark in this sector and its solution one of the most advanced in the world.

In fact, after the introduction of technology in this sector, coastal control and the battle against crime and illegal immigration have progressed significantly. In 2010 3,632 illegal arrivals to the Spanish coasts were registered, that is, a 50.1 % less than in 2009 (7,285). The figures of 2010 are the lowest in a decade and represent an 80.4% less than in 2001 (18517 illegal immigrants).

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to investment in R&D with nearly € 500 M during the last three years. In 2010 revenues reached € 2,557 M of which a 40% came from the international market. The company employs more than 31,000 professionals and has clients in more than 110 countries.
