20 July 2010Lithuania
  • The contract, which amounts to € 21.4 million, will allow modernisation of the traffic management across 1,700 km of railway network
  • Da Vinci, one of the world’s leading systems, manages in Spain high speed trains, the Feve network and is also implemented in UK, Morocco and Colombia
  • Currently, Da Vinci is bidding in various countries such as: China, Saudi Arabia, among others

Lietuvos gelezinkeliai, the railway company of Lithuania, chose Da Vinci through an international tender over important German, French, Canadian and North American companies of the sector. The system was developed by Indra in cooperation with Adif.

The implementation of the platform is within the framework of a modernisation programme of Lithuania’s railway network. It is also evidence of the acknowledgement and internationalisation of Spanish railway technology.

Flexibility, features and cutting edge technology of the platform are key aspects in the simultaneous management of over 120 different technology systems for signalling control and signalling technologies. A traffic control centre will integrate the information coming from these systems in addition to others such as the energy control system (SCADA), the telecommunications network and the new axle counters.

The Lithuanian railway network will benefit mainly from a thorough integration of all control elements, the integrated management of all the railway lines, and the capacity to automate the exploitation of the network.

The Da Vinci system

The Da Vinci system, which manages the high-speed networks of Madrid-Barcelona, Córdoba-Málaga, Madrid-Valladolid and Madrid-Seville, has been developed by Indra in cooperation with Adif. The system is a product of heavy investment in R&D&i and of the work of 150 people throughout four years. Besides this, it is continuously undergoing upgrades in order to meet new requirements and incorporate improvements.

Da Vinci has proved its effectiveness in the management of networks with different characteristics not only the Spanish high-speed network but also Feve’s narrow-gauge lines, Metro de Medellin-where the system governs both the traffic and the rest of associated systems since 2005; or the London Underground (Metronet).

Last year, Da Vinci was chosen to manage Morocco’s railway traffic. It is currently bidding in various countries such as China, Saudi Arabia, among others.

From a functional standpoint, the system envisages the integration of all remote systems (enclaves, power, ERTMS, detectors, etc), operational planning, a real-time traffic monitoring system, traffic predictions, automatic routing of trains, a geographical information system, delivery of data to train drivers, traffic regulation, statistics, passenger information, invoicing, simulation and reconstruction of earlier incidents. It also allows the dissemination of information via internet and the remote monitoring of all systems.

Adif has always invested in innovation and technological development. Evidence of this is the boost the company has given to many projects focused on this area, besides signing different agreements with many companies and universities. Adif has 56 R&D&i projects underway in cooperation and with a global investment of 107 million Euros.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the first European company in its sector according to investment in R&D and is the second Spanish company in absolute value investments in R&D. In 2009 revenues reached € 2,513 M of which a 40% came from the international market. The company employs more than 29,000 professionals and has clients in more than 100 countries.


