14 May 2010Spain
  • The project, for 1.2 million Euros,  will expedite entry into national territory and common European space to passengers with either Spanish electronic ID card or communitarian electronic passport
  • The innovative solution combines authentication of the document with double biometrical identification
  • Indra reinforces its leadership in border surveillance and control with this project which will be extended in 2011 to all Spanish airports with origin and destination outside Europe


Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe implemented in Madrid-Barajas and Barcelona-El Prat a quick access system in borders for European Union citizens. The project was awarded by the Ministry of Interior for € 1.2 M through public tender. The minister of Interior, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, and the Secretary of State for Transport Concepción Gutiérrez del Castillo presented the solution yesterday, May 13th at the El Prat airport.

Innovation and technology oriented to protect and guarantee citizen’s rights have been one of the guidelines of the Spanish Presidency of the European Council and this pilot is among its priorities.

The systems, on a trial period until November 2010, seek to provide quick access to the country and hence to Schengen territory to passengers with Spanish electronic ID card or a communitarian electronic passport. Hence citizens of the European Union, European Economic Area or Switzerland will benefit from the system.

Each airport has been equipped with different systems to evaluate which one offers more comfort and higher security to users. Extension in 2011 to all Spanish airports with origin and destination outside Schengen and to entry and exit passport control booths will depend on results.

Secure and simple procedure

The identification with automatic reading of the ID card, authentication and identity verification of the face and fingerprints will take few seconds. After that, the solution implemented by Indra will indicate the passenger what to do. The facilities and hence each and every process will be supervised by the National Police Corps.

Unlike other similar systems in other countries whose identification is based on a single biometrical pattern, such the iris, fingerprint or the face, the Spanish system takes into account two indicators: face and fingerprint besides the authentication of the document. It does not require previous registration in frequent passenger lists and is the only one in Europe which allows ID card to enter Schengen.

The solution puts Spain in a leading position regarding management of airport, terrestrial and maritime borders, with widely renowned systems such as SIVE.

Furthermore, millions of European citizens will benefit from this new system which will expedite border cross. For example, in 2009, 55 million people crossed the Spanish border, nearly 29 million European citizens entered Spain and over 26 million crossed the border leaving national territory.

Two different systems for the citizens

In both airports, Indra has implemented two different systems. The first consists of automated security chambers with double doors which contain the identification kiosks. In this case, passenger will go through the first door for the identification and the second door gives way to the airport terminal once identification is completed.

In the second type the kiosks and the doors, which are simple this time, are physically separated. Identification can take place at any kiosk and passenger can access the terminal through any door which will open automatically after the fingerprint reading through a device connected to the doors.

In both cases, any incident will be solved at a control point with the assistance of a member of the Police corps.

All European citizens with electronic passports or in the case of Spanish citizens with electronic ID card will benefit from this system as it will avoid queues at the passport control booths. Besides this, the solution will facilitate the activities of the National Police staff since less manual control will be required.

Indra, leader in border surveillance systems

This cutting edge project for airport border management consolidates the company’s position as a leader in the development and implementation of border surveillance and control systems. For several decades, the company has developed systems for the management of regulated borders in Europe and for terrestrial and maritime surveillance (SIVE) with references such as the maritime surveillance systems implemented in Spain, Portugal, Latvia, Romania or Hong-Kong.

On the other hand, the company is broadly experienced in the development of electronic ID card management, authentication and access control through biometrics. Among its projects we can mention the development of the Spanish electronic ID card and the electronic passport, implementation of the Portuguese visa endorsement and passport, or the electronic licence with biometrical identification for the Maritime Authorities of Panama.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to stock market capitalisation, and also the second Spanish company with the most investment in R&D. In 2009, revenues reached € 2,513 M, of which a third came from the international market. The company employs more than 29,000 professionals and has clients in more than 100 countries.

