3 August 2010Spain
  • The Ministry of Industry, through red.es, commissioned the IT company the implementation of 170 high-resolution stations to show patients’ imaging and data during surgical procedures
  • The Teaching Hospital of Santiago and Ferrol Healthcare district, both agencies of the Servizo Galego de Saúde, will be the first centres to be equipped with the stations

The Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, through red.es, commissioned Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe, the implementation and maintenance of 170 high-resolution stations in several operating theatres of different regions for € 1.7 M. The project seeks to improve surgical procedures by gaining direct access to the patient’s medical records during the operation.

The agreement is within the Online Healthcare program II promoted by the Ministry of Industry through red.es, the Ministry of Health and Social Policy and some Autonomous Regions and it aims to improve healthcare by means of new technologies. All regional healthcare services who signed the agreement will benefit from these advantages.

The stations consist of powerful and highly-protected PCs, equipped with high-resolution monitors which facilitate viewing all the images provided by the hospitals’ information systems. By means of the equipment, the surgeon can have access to all the data and imaging contained in the patient’s medical records. For instance, during a knee operation the surgeon can compare the condition of the knee prior to the injury or in the case of a heart operation the doctor can consult whether the patient has coronary antecedents.

The implementation of this equipment with digital imaging access and distribution via internet will substitute the traditional media, being it paper or film, which would be cost effective and environmentally beneficial.

Besides this, the stations can be either fixed or mobile. This feature can be customised according to the hospital needs.

El Servizo Galego de Saúde will be the first regional healthcare system to benefit from this project. Indra has already started the implementation of the high-resolution stations in the teaching hospital of Santiago and in the Ferrol Healthcare district. The Conselleria de Sanidade of the Xunta de Galicia aims to computerise the operating theatre of all the hospitals and to integrate them with IANUS, the health platform of the Galician citizens’ electronic medical records.

On the other hand, upcoming interoperability between regional healthcare systems will give added value to this initiative since if a doctor of the Servizo Galego de Saúde were to operate an Andalusian patient; he/she would have immediate access to the patient’s medical records without leaving the operating theatre.

Leadership in healthcare systems

Currently, more than 32 million people in over 10 countries benefit from Indra’s health solutions and systems. Professional users exceed 100,000 in over 5,600 health centres and hospitals making 500,000 daily medical appointments possible.

Indra’s technologies and knowledge applied to health are based on its health solutions portfolio which specialises in Telemedicine, digital Imaging, electronic prescription or electronic medical records, among others. This platform is the fruit of cumulative experience in the development of projects for private and public sectors, at both national and international levels, which translates into an opportunity thanks to system interoperability after decentralization in health care.

Regarding the electronic medical records we can mention Abucasis, a system which enabled unification of all the information of the medical records of the Valencia community or IANUS, the sanitary platform that integrates the Electronic Clinical Records of the Servizo Galego de Saúde (SERGAS) or Diraya, the innovative information system commissioned by Andalusia’s Health Services (SAS) which facilitated the implementation of digital health records in Andalusia.

The company also leads the implementation of the electronic prescription in Spain, first in Andalusia and then in Aragon, Cantabria, Madrid, Murcia, Valencia, Galicia and Ceuta and Melilla autonomous regions.
Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the first European company in its sector according to investment in R&D and is the second Spanish company in absolute value investments in R&D. In 2009 revenues reached € 2,513 M of which a 40% came from the international market. The company employs more than 29,000 professionals and has clients in more than 100 countries.
