13 February 2013Spain
  • The company has implemented the automation system, radar system, communications network and weather information system
  • This project strengthens Indra's relationship with the Dirección Nacional de Aeronáutica Civil (DINAC - National Civil Aeronautics Department)
  • Indra consolidates its leadership in air traffic management systems in Latin America


Indra has completed the modernization of Paraguay's air traffic management systems. The company has fully renewed the automated air traffic management system, secondary surveillance radar system, has deployed an aeronautical communications system and commissioned a weather information system.

Paraguay's Dirección Nacional de Aeronáutica Civil (DINAC - National Civil Aeronautics Department) is now using state-of-the-art technology, which will allow the country to process and manage a greater number of flights, with a more efficient approach and the highest levels of safety.

Both the Unified Area Control Centre (ACC-U) in Asunción and the control tower of the International Airport of Silvio Petirrosi in Asunción (the airport with the highest volume of activity in the country) are already using Indra's automated air traffic management system. This solution offers the controller a full view of all aircraft movements in the air space, detects potential conflicts between routes in advance and frees the operator from repetitive tasks.

The company has also implemented a secondary surveillance radar station near the airport. This station covers most of Paraguay's territory and provides accurate data about the position, height and identification of each aircraft.

As regards the communications system, it is composed of six digital satellite communications stations in the airports of Guaraní, Mariscal Estigarribia, Pilar, Asunción, Bahía Negra and Concepción. This system was completed with a VHF communications system to optimise the service and provide coverage to the whole national territory.

The communications system connects different airports and control systems, so that the communications between controllers and land personnel are simpler and clearer.

On the other hand, Indra has implemented a weather system, which gathers data from different parts of the country in real time and distributes the information to pilots and controllers, improving the flight planning process and air safety.

ATM Leader in Latin America

Indra has been supplying air traffic management systems throughout the world for more than 90 years, with over 3,000 installations in over 140 countries. Its technology manages the air space of different Central American countries, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica and Nicaragua, which are members of the Central American Corporation for Air Navigation Services, COCESNA, among other countries in the region.

The company has been working in Uruguay with DINACIA for over 15 years delivering air traffic control centres, radars, tower and air control centre simulators. It has also deployed recently first world’s first country wide communication network fully based on IP technology. Indra has also been collaborating in Colombia for many years in the modernization of its air traffic management systems. It is also working in an ambitious technological modernization project in Peru and the international Argentinean airports of Ezeiza (Buenos Aires), and Córdoba. In addition, it has also commissioned the Perfecting and Experimentation Training Centre for Air Controller with training systems in Córdoba.


Indra is one of the leading information technology and consulting multinationals in Europe and Latin America. Innovation is the cornerstone of its business and sustainability, having allocated €550M to R+D+i in the last three years, making it one of the leading companies in Europe in its sector in terms of investment. With sales approaching €3bn, 55% of its income is from the international market. The company employs 42,000 professionals and has customers in 118 countries.

